Patent No. 5522386 Apparatus particularly for use in the determination of the condition of the vegetative part of the nervous system
Patent No. 5522386
Apparatus particularly for use in the determination of the condition of the vegetative part of the nervous system (Lerner, Jun 4, 1996)
Apparatus for use in the determination of the condition of the vegetative part of the nervous system and/or of sensory functions of an organism, i.e. a human being or animal. The apparatus comprises devices for generating and supplying to said organism at least one sensory stimulus chosen from a group of sensory stimuli, such as visual, sound, olfactory, gustatory, tactile or pain stimuli, and devices for measuring the skin potential and the evoked response of the organism to a stimulus. The measured data are processed by processing devices for automatically controlling the supply of at least one stimulus for providing a non-rhythmical sequence of stimuli. Preferably, pairs of stimuli are supplied for developing a conditioned reflex.
The invention now provides an improved apparatus for use in the determination
of the condition of the vegetative part of the nervous system and/or of sensory
functions of an organism, characterized by;
control means, for controlling the supply of the at least one stimulus in terms
of its' type, intensity, duration and/or repetition rate subject to the skin
or organ surface potential and the evoked response values measured by said measuring
means and processed by said processing means, for automatically providing a
non-rhythmical sequence of stimuli.
With the apparatus according to the invention the vegetative nervous system
and/or sensory functions of an organism, i.e. a human being or an animal, can
be examined, wherein the evoked response of the nervous system to a sequence
of stimuli is essentially independent over time providing reliable, satisfactory
results. For example, compared to a rhythmical, repeatedly applied sequence
of stimuli, an improvement in the accuracy of the determination of the condition
of the vegetative part of the nervous system of a factor 3 to 5 is obtained.
The stimulation pattern is automatically selected and controlled by the individual
state of the vegetative nervous system of the organism, by analysis of the measured
skin or organ surface potential of the organism.
It is noted that many different apparatuses for providing stimuli to an organism
are known in the state of the art.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,131,113 discloses means for examining the human eye by analysis
of electrical signals generated by the retinal of an eye in response to a quasi-random
light stimulus. The stimulus applied is a bend-limited white-noise light intensity
signal, projected onto the human eye through a cup electrode. However, the band-limited
white-noise generator disclosed is not equipped for providing a controllable
non-rhythmical sequence of stimuli, having adjustable parameters such as duration,
intensity, repetition rate etc. Automatically controlling the sequence of stimuli
subject to the state of the vegetative part of the nervous system of the organism
is not disclosed nor suggested.
In a publication by Y. Kosugi et al. "Quantitative Evaluation of Saccadic Eye
Movement Disorders Under Random Visual Stimuli on CRT" in IEEE Transactions
on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. BME 29, no. 3. March 1982 a computer aided examination
system is presented, in which a pseudo-random binary sequence is used for moving
a target on a screen, in order to evoke saccadic eye movements. Controlling
the supplied stimuli in terms of type, intensity, duration and repetition rate,
subject to the state of the vegetative part of the nervous system and the evoked
response of the organism is not described nor suggested.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,570,640 discloses an apparatus for monitoring the sensory system
of a patient to enable determination of the level and depth of spinal and epidural
nerve blocks affecting the sympathetic and motor nervous system. An electric
stimulator is provided which can be manually or automatically activated. By
comparing the response due to an applied stimulus against the response obtained
from a reference level, the strength of the stimulus is controlled by not exceeding
a too strong sensation and/or for gradually increasing the response in strength.
For the purpose of the present application, this apparatus lacks the feature
of supplying a non-rhythmical sequence of stimuli, whereas the control means
are not arranged for automatically controlling the stimulus in terms of its
type, intensity, duration and/or repetition rate subject to the condition of
the vegetative part of the nervous system and the processed measured values.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,201,224 discloses a method and apparatus for evaluating the
state of the different regions of the human brain, for the purpose of diagnoses
of the locus and extend of damage, impairment of brain functions etc. Although
this apparatus is capable of providing random pain, light and sound stimuli,
either alone or in combination, controlled by a microprocessor, the apparatus
proposed is not arranged for automatically controlling the supply of the stimuli
dependent on the vegetative part of the nervous system according to the apparatus
of the invention.
In an embodiment of the invention, the processing means are arranged for determining
the average value of the skin or organ surface potential in terms of DC and
AC parameters, measured without a stimulus being supplied.
Dependent on the average value of the skin potential and the fluctuation or
oscillation superpositioned thereon, the condition of the vegetative part of
the nervous system of the organism can be suitable categorized in the types
mentioned, i.e.:
This type is characterized by the absence of background activity oscillations
(up to 0.25 mV), stimuli do not evoke any responding reaction.
Background activity is almost absent as well (up to 0.25 mV) but responsive
reaction to stimuli is distinctly revealed (0.5 mV and higher).
Background activity is recorded, amplitude being from 0.25 to 1 mV. Responding
reaction to stimuli is distinct (0.5 mV and higher).
Background activity is marked (1-2 mV), responsive reaction to stimuli is distinct
(1 mV and higher).
Background activity is high (2-5 mV), responsive reaction to stimuli is distinct
(1 mV and higher).
Spontaneous oscillations of the potential types III, IV and V are, as a rule,
two-phase, sometimes single-phase (more often negative) deviations from an isoelectric
line with frequency of 4-22 oscillations a minute. These oscillations are of
different voltage, relatively rhythmic, sometimes in groups.
Obtaining the evoked response from measuring the skin or organ surface potential,
the measurements may be recorded from fingers and toes, from the palmary sides
of the hands and feet or from other parts of the skin of the body, or from the
surface of the organs that can be reached by electrodes. If possible symmetrically
from the right and the left part from the body or many regions of the body.
The active electrodes can be placed in the palmary side of the fingers and toes,
right and left. The active electrodes can be placed also on any electro-active
points of the skin or organs that can be reached. The passive electrodes can
be placed on electrical low-active parts of the body. The registration of the
potentials can be made from one point, two symmetrical points, from hands and
feet at the same time or from combinations of some electro-active points of
the skin or surface of organs that can be reached by electrodes, so that registration
can be made polygraphical. This kind of examination is called elektrovegetography
Under normal persons, in 6% of the cases the first type was found (hypersympatheticotonia),
in 31.5% the second type (prosympatheticotonia), in 39.6% cases type III (vegetative
normotonia), in 18.8% type IV (preperasympatheticotonia) and in 4% type V (hyperparasympatheticotonia).
Thus the extreme types I and V were found in 10% of the patients. For further
details, reference is made to the above-mentioned international application
In the cause of any investigation of the condition of the vegetative part of
the nervous system and/or sensory functions of an organism, a skin reflex may
be lost due to habituation or adaptation.
Habituation or adaptation of the organism to a stimulus, e.g. its' type, intensity,
duration and/or repetition rate, causing the results also to become unreliable.
This applies both in the determination of the condition of the vegetative part
of the nervous system of an organism as well as in measuring sensory functions
of an organism by subjecting the organism to sequences of specific stimuli.
This problem can be solved by the development of a so-called conditioned reflex,
in which habituation to a first stimulation is prevented by applying another,
second stimulation. For example, a stimulus of the same type, but of different
intensity or duration, or a stimulus of a different type. In order to stabilize
the response of the organism to the stimuli supplied, i.e. preventing the results
to become unreliable, this other stimulus has to provoke an emotional type response
of the organism. Suitable stimuli for this purpose are stimuli which are experienced
as unpleasant, for example pair, loud noises, bright light flashes, certain
words or phrases, etc.
In a yet further embodiment of the apparatus according to the invention, the
processing means are arranged for detecting habituation or adaptation of the
organism to the sensory stimuli supplied by analyzing the measured evoked response.
It has been found that a state of habituation adaptation can be determined by
detecting a decrease in the applitude of the measured evoked response, below
a certain, predetermined level.
In a yet further embodiment of the apparatus according to the invention, the
control means are arranged for providing a first and second stimulus chosen
from a group of sensory stimuli, the second stimulus provoking an emotional
type response, its' type, intensity, duration and/or repetition rate being subject
to the determined state of the vegetative nervous system and the detected habituation
or adaptation of the organism to the first stimulus, by analyzing the amplitude
of the measured evoked response.
This embodiment of the apparatus is based on the principle of stimulation of
the emotional vegetative system. This stimulation has a feedback character.
The organism itself, depending on its state of the vegetative nervous system
"dictates" the stimulation pattern of the device, i.e. in terms of its type,
intensity, duration and/or repetition rate. For obtaining reliable results it
is very important to determine the condition of the vegetative part of the nervous
system of the organism under examination, in order to make a justified selection
of the stimuli for inducing a conditioned reflex.
In applying the apparatus according to the invention for the determination of
the condition of sensory functions of an organism, the control means are arranged
for providing a first stimulus chosen from a group of sensory stimuli, adapted
to the sensory function of the organism to be examined. Its' intensity, duration,
frequency etc, being controllable subject to the sensory function to be examined.
This kind of examination is, also called electrosensometry and can be carried
out as follows, for example.
Potentials of the phalanxes of the hand or foot or from other electroactive
points are recorded. The active electrode is fixed on the palm surface, the
inner side of the phalanx or another electroactive point, and the passive electrode
is fixed on the back surface of the phalanx or an other, less electroactive
point. Then one or more sensory stimuli are applied, and each time potential
changes are recorded afterwards. The results of the measurements are processed.
If the skin potential changes upon repeated (2-3 times) sound stimulation, this
means that the sense of hearing perceives the sound stimulus. In repeated investigation
it is possible to determine the threshold value of the sound perception on the
basis of the intensity of the stimulus. If the skin potential changes upon repeated
(2-3 times) light stimulation, this means that the sense of vision perceives
this light stimulus. In repeated investigation it is possible again to determine
the threshold value of light perception on the basis of the intensity of the
stimulus. Using the same principle, the visual field, optionally dependent on
the visual angle, can be investigated.
If the skin potential changes upon repeated (2-3 times) olfactory stimulation,
this means that the sense of smell perceives the olfactory stimulus given. The
limits of perception of olfactory stimuli can be determined by repeated examination
on the basis of the intensity of the stimulus. If the skin potential changes
upon repeated (2-3 times) tactile stimulation, this means that the tactile sense
is preserved in the area concerned. When a moderate prick with a needle or a
special bristle causes a change in the skin potential, this shows that the patient
has experienced a pain sensation.
The results of examination are objectified by recording the cutaneogalvanic
reaction instead of the subjective reports or in combination with such subjective
However, when the examination of the tactile sense, for example, is repeated
5 to 10 times the response in the form of a potential change dies away as a
result of the phenomenon of habituation.
For inducing a conditioned reflex with a second stimulus, particularly an electrical
stimulus, two small electrodes (for example 1 cm.sup.2) are connected to the
palm and the back surface of a finger of the other hand or on an other area,
and combinations of stimuli of the sense under investigation with the second
stimulation are applied. This other stimulation is preferably an electric pain
stimulation that may be of short duration (0,5-2) seconds), with an intensity
of slightly above the pain threshold value of the organism. This electric stimulation
is applied 1-2 seconds after applying the specific stimulus and after for example
10-15 seconds such a combination of stimuli is repeated. After several of such
combinations, for example 3-5, a stable conditioned cuteogalvanic reflex is
developed and under these conditions the threshold of the sensitivity of the
senses investigated is determined correctly in 93-95% of the cases. The second
stimulation is preferably applied with irregular intervals and with an irregular
intensity. An application in pairs of for example an electric and a visual stimulus
is also advantagous.
In case a conditioned reflex to a pain sensation was developed, the results
of the investigation of the sensory functions turned out to be positive in more
than 90 percent of the cases. The apparatus can be used to separately examine
the organs of sense, where appropiate, on both sides (right and left), optionally
as a function of the direction, giving a very important contribution to the
topical diagnosis of diseases and defects. The apparatus according to the invention
is applicable with living beings disposing of senses, primarily man; and is
of special interest in the examination of young children and new born infants.
Electrosensometry can also be used in veterinary medicine when examining the
senses of animals, in particular pets and farm animals.
In the most simple embodiment of the apparatus according to the invention, the
non-rhythmical sequence of stimuli consist of stimuli of one type, for example
adapted to a sensory function to be examined such as pain, light or sound stimuli,
the intensity, duration, repetition rate etc. of which being non-rhythmical
altered during the time of stimulating, such that no habituation to a certain
form of stimulus will occur.
However, it has been found that for determining the condition of the vegetative
part of the nervous system an even more accurate measurement can be obtained
with a further embodiment of the apparatus according to the invention, wherein
the supply means comprise several stimulus generators for supplying sensory
stimuli of a mutually different type, the control means being arranged for providing
an arbitrary sequence of stimuli of different type.
Although stimuli of different type can be supplied simultaneously, a yet further
embodiment of the apparatus according to the invention comprises selector means
connected to the control means and stimulus generators, for providing one type
of stimulus at a time. This has the advantage that the response to a certain
type of stimulus can be uniquely determined.
Very promising results in inducing a conditioned reflex have been obtained from
sequences composed of pairs of stimuli of mutually different type, e.g. a pain
and light stimulus, either applied simultaneously or subsequently.
The non-rhythmicity of the sequence may be obtained by providing during a certain
time period pairs of stimuli, and during a subsequent time period stimuli of
the one and/or other type alone. During these time periods, the stimuli itself
may be supplied periodically or rhythmically. Important is that the sequence
as a whole has a non-rhythmical character.
From the control point of view, for supplying a pain stimulus, an electrical
generator having means for supplying an adjustable electrical signal above the
pain threshold of an organism is advantageous. The output signal of the electrical
generator can be adequately adjusted with respect to its amplitude, frequency,
polarity, repetition rate etc.
Further embodiments of the apparatus according to the invention may comprise
adjustable optical signal generator means, such as an incandescent lamp for
providing controllable light flashes or, for example, a video monitor for showing
pictures in order to generate an emotional response or the like.
Further, adjustable sound generator means may be provided, for supplying an
audible tone signal adjustable in intensity, frequency and duration, or a voice
generator or the like, for generating an emotional response to certain words
of phrases.
Further embodiments of the apparatus according to the invention may comprise
means for supplying a selective tactile, olfactory or gustatory stimulus to
an organism. Means suitable for this purpose are known in practice. Reference
is made to K. Plattig "Gustatory and Olfactory Evoked Potentials by Man", published
in Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine
and Biology Society, Part 2, Nov. 16, 1987, pages 961-962.
In an embodiment of the apparatus according to the invention, the measuring
means are arranged for measuring at least one electrical variable of the skin
and/or an organ of the organism, for example skin impedance or skin potential,
via electrodes to be applied on the skin and/or the surface of an organ that
can be reached by electrodes (stomach, mouth etc.), comprising at least one
amplifier having a pair of electrodes for application to the skin or the surface
of an organ, this at least one amplifier having a time constant of 1 sec or
higher; up till DC. The registration of the electrical variable can be made
from one point, two symmetrical points, from hands and feet at the same time
or from a combination of electro-active points of the skin or surface of organs
that can be reached by electrodes.
Amplifiers suitable for measuring the skin or organ surface potential are known
in practice. It has been found that an amplifier having a time constant of about
3 sec, with which it is possible to register three or more electrical potential
waves/min., provides very accurate results for determining the condition of
the vegetative part of the nervous system in applying different kind of stimuli.
In order to uniquely determine the response to a specific stimulus, it is preferred,
in a further embodiment of the apparatus according to the invention, to have
the generator means and measuring means cooperatively interconnected.
In a further embodiment of the apparatus according to the invention, at least
one voltmeter means is provided for measuring the skin or organ surface potential
of the organism. By using a DC voltmeter the background level of the skin or
organ surface potential without a stimulus being applied can be measured. In
case of a DC amplifier the voltmeter means may be connected to measure the output
signal of the amplifier.
In yet a further embodiment, for measuring the evoked response, the amplifier
comprises means for compensating the background level of the skin or organ surface
potential, in order to enhance the measurement accuracy.
For processing the measured potential waveforms with respect to their shape,
rise and fall times, mono- or biphase, power content, etc., a waveform analysing
means and/or recording means for recording measured electrical signals may be
provided, known as such.
For analyzing the measured data, the processing means may comprise analog or
digital filter means. With these filter means the AC component of the skin potential
or organ surface potential can be analyzed, such to determine the stae of the
vegetative part of the nervous system.
For determining adaptation of the organism to the sensory stimuli supplied,
preferably analog or digital peak value detecting means may be provided, coupled
to or incorporate in the processing means. Whenever, the amplitude of the evoked
response drops below a certain level, related to the DC background level of
the type of the condition of the vegetative part of the nervous system mentioned,
the sequence of stimuli is automatically adapted, in order to develop a stable
skin potential during examination.
In the preferred embodiment of the apparatus according to the invention, the
processing means and the control means comprise a programmable computer means,
having memory means, for processing the measured values and controlling a certain
sequence of stimuli to be supplied to an organism, respectively. These computer
means, may be advantageously combined into one processor, for example a microprocessor.
With a suitable programming of the computer processing means, measured data
can be processed to present medical data to be used in making a diagnosis by
a physician, for example. For this purpose means such as a display, printer
etc. may be coupled to or provided with the processing means. Preferably means
are provided, such as a keyboard, card reader, disk reader etc. for entering
medical data or medical related data of the organism under examination, used
in processing the measured data.
When using computer means, the measured values may be processed using suitable
analyzing techniques, such as Fourier analysis, correlation techniques, statistical
analysis etc. known in practice
It will be evident to a person skilled in the art, that the invention is not limited to the embodiment described or to an embodiment using all types of stimulus generators disclosed. Further, the measuring means may comprise more or less amplifiers 10 for measuring skin or organ surface potential waves, or may be substituted or enhanced by means for measuring other electrical parameters of the skin, for example skin conductivity, temperature, etc.