“Independent Researcher, Librarian, Music Educator and Composer" - Ted Hunter

Public and Environmental Health - Noise Reduction

Noise level is measured in decibels (dB). The louder the noise, the higher the decibels. Decibels can be adjusted to human hearing. Noise level is thus described in decibels A (dBA). The effects of noise vary with the noise to which a person is exposed. Prolonged exposure to loud noises (75 dBA over eight hours a day for years) can lead to hearing loss. The body can also respond to lower noise levels: sleep can be disturbed by an outdoor noise of 40 dBA.

Protect Your Hearing: Intensity and Duration of Noise

MLM Gateway - Helping network marketers build their business

Why Noise Pollution Is More Dangerous Than We Think

Why noise is bad for your health -- and what you can do about it | Mathias Basner


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