“Independent Researcher, Librarian, Music Educator and Composer" - Ted Hunter

Sound Scapes






This is an experimental attempt to treat ALS with a subliminal audio.
Subliminals consist of messages recorded at a very low volume under a music or nature sounds, so that the messages are only audible at subconscious level. Just loop the video and listen at least 45-60 mins, 1-3 times a day at a low-comfortable volume. earphones/headphones are required. - Affirmations: (read carefully before using the subliminal)

I ask my subconscious mind to determine and apply the best most effective way to heal my nervous system to perfection rapidly and permanently.
My nervous system is now reaching an absolutely perfect health state.
My nervous system is perfectly healthy.
I am now rapidly achieving optimal excellent health in every aspect.
My health is now improving noticeably.
My health is now improving to perfection.
I recover the ideal optimal number of healthy motor neurons in my body.
All my motor neurons are perfectly healthy.
I always have the optimal quantity of healthy motor neurons in my body to ensure the normal correct communication between my brain and my muscles.
All necessary communication links between my brain and my voluntary muscles are now being perfectly re-established.
My brain can perfectly control my voluntary movements again.
My neurochemistry is perfectly balanced.
My brain is perfectly healthy.
My brain's ability to initiate and control my voluntary movements is absolutely perfect and optimal.
I have and maintain an optimal quantity of healthy upper motor neurons in my cerebral cortex and in my brain stem.
I have and maintain an optimal quantity of healthy lower motor neurons in my spinal cord.
All my upper and lower motor neurons are in optimal perfect health and quantity.
My motor nerves are perfectly healthy.
My motor system is perfectly healthy.
I am rapidly re-acquiring all my strength and my ability to carry out any daily activities perfectly and easily.
I have a perfect healthy muscular system.
My muscular system is always perfectly healthy.
My muscles are always strong and perfectly healthy.
My muscle control is always perfectly normal.
My muscles always function perfectly.
All the muscles in my body are always perfectly healthy.
All of my muscles are always optimally healthy functioning and strong.
I have an excellent motor capacity.
I can move easily and freely.
I can move my hands perfectly as I desire.
I can move my fingers perfectly as I desire.
I can move my arms perfectly as I desire.
I can move my legs perfectly as I desire.
I have strong arms and hands.
I have strong legs and feet.
I walk with complete confidence.
My speech is always perfectly clear.
My swallowing capacity is perfectly normal.
All of my body functions are always optimal.
I always have a healthy excellent strong absolutely perfect respiratory system.
All the systems of my body are in optimal perfect health.
All my body systems are in excellent perfect health.
All my body systems work perfectly.
All my organs are perfectly healthy.
I enjoy perfect excellent health.
I am always perfectly healthy.
My body is perfectly healthy in every aspect.
My Healthy motor neurons are perfectly safe and always protected in my organism.
All the constituent parts of my organism are in perfect harmony and participate to the optimal perfect health, well-being and extreme longevity of my body.
Every time I listen to these affirmations I only get absolutely safe desirable and beneficial effects.
All results from these affirmations are permanent.



Binaural Beats can aid in stimulating cell regeneration in the body. Using frequency modulators, we are able to recreate the frequencies that encourage the treatment by allowing the nerves and cells to begin regeneration. This session uses a binaural beat of 2.0Hz which associates directly to nerve regeneration, and a carrier frequency of 111Hz which associates to cell regeneration. Relax your mind and set your intentions into your own physical healing and practice once a day for better results.



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