U.S. Government Domestic Terrorism, False Flag & Manchurian Candidates
U.S. Government Sponsored False Flag Domestic Terrorism / Visit: https://www.cistech.info for more info / Introducing the U.S. Governments sponsored False Flag and domestic terrorism creation machine. Beyond the knowledge of most United States Citizens exists the largest conspiracy in history to enslave, groom and condition innocent citizens into Manchurian candidates to fulfill predetermined and predesigned domestic terrorist events across the United States. The purpose is to create fear, threat and duress upon the public as a motivation to seed more rights and liberties to our government and its surveillance programs like the patriot act. This expands the surveillance state we currently live in, removes and risks losing our second amendment rights to bare arms and transfers democratic power from we the people to a selected few who are elected, unelected and appointed leaders to control our lives even further then they do now. U.S. Government agencies such as the FBI, DOJ, NSA,...