“Independent Researcher, Librarian, Music Educator and Composer" - Ted Hunter

One Nation Formerly Under God - CIA & DARPA - U.S. Genocide In Progress (Part 5)


U.S. Genocide In Progress

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Introducing “One Nation Formerly Under God America’s Darkest Secret” (Part 5) titled U.S. Genocide In Progress. We will highlight the CIA & DARPA’s joint involvement in this scheme. After targeted individuals are referred to the TDSB/NIS Code 3 & 4 list also known as McCarthy’s Blacklist. Some unfortunate few are then sent down a deep and dark rabbit hole of experimentation and torture. We refer to this as Dr. Frankenstein’s human laboratory were no HIPPA laws are abided by, no consent or freedom of choice is respected and cruel and unusual punishment is inflicted upon the innocent U.S. Citizens day after day. The so called “first line of defense” really doesn’t seem to defend democracy much or care about the common U.S. citizens civil rights or liberties. One particular victim describes being ensnared without willing admission or application to the Hyper theory game which is a holographic computer generated construct known to ensnare children and unwitting adults. They are convinced they are competing for some mystical prize in which they gain some authority or power for suppressing others. They are not compensated, they do not apply or login they are in fact victimized and enslaved and made to feel empowered by the nonsensical promise of becoming a cia operative or special forces soldier only having to wait for endless promises of deadlines never kept. The technologies primarily used here are RNN’s or recurrent neural networks, BCI or brain computer interface, HMI or human machine interface, RI or reverse integration and MK or mind control technologies. They experience synthetic telepathy and are projected holographic images of others networked over their visual cortex. Essentially, they are enslaved gladiators pitted against each other for perpetuity or until their health fails and they die. 

Victims are also used to non-consensually to target others as delegated by the cia. They utilize negative conditioning derived from mental, physical, and emotional distress so the victim strikes out at the target presented. Another witness attests to being non consensually chosen by 3 CIA cognitive science specialists and enrolled in the ventriloquist program in which his natural abilities were used and abused to facilitate atrocities on others he did not know. He describes having memories erased, others injected, being involved in the memory and dream searches of many others as redirected to both us citizens, other targeted victims, and foreign intelligence agents. Ultimately, this witness was discarded and deemed to have a mental health condition as very few understand his situation and are willing to collaborate his experience. These victims are left without recognition, acknowledgement, compensation or even a simple thank you for contributions made. Other victims describe these RNN’s, ISA’s, ROD’s, and operators to utilize just about any tactic to appease the victim from seeking help or insight elsewhere while being used non consensually by going as far as trying to convince them they are The Chosen Ones, Gods, Visited by Angels, Ancestors, Ghosts or aliens. Another victim describes the nonconsensual use of super humans or those known to possess extraordinary abilities. We’ve all heard of the super strong or prodigies of math, music, and science but what about psychic abilities like astral projection, remote viewing, bilocation, mediumship, materialization, prophecy, thoughtography, telekinesis, clairvoyance and pre and post cognition? 

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These abilities do in fact exist in people today regardless of opinion as this victim is known to be telekinetic from birth but was not completely aware of the extent of his talents until his early 40’s. He describes being used by the CIA as a psychic assassin without knowledge and under the vail of a training operation. He also attests his ISA, ROD and operator attempted to target him on the president of the united states and when he declined they attempted to not only wash his memories but also attempted to erase him. Imagine the confusion and disorientation one faces when these technologies along with the mind warping tactics used finally come into focus for these victims. It’s extremely disturbing when you start hearing voices and seeing grainy visions imperceivable to others as you close your eyes and this is not mentally illness it’s a biproducts of microwave technologies weaponized and intended to manipulate targeted victims. If you don’t believe in super humans Just YouTube known CIA programs and find reference to mk ultra, Guinea pig, project blue beam, psychic assassinations and psychics being used to locate and identify extraterrestrials or just visit the CIA vault online and research said programs yourself.

For more videos in this series, visit 



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