Patent No. 4354505 Method of and apparatus for testing and indicating relaxation state of a human subject
Patent No. 4354505 Method of and apparatus for testing and indicating relaxation state of a human subject (Shiga, Oct 19, 1982) Abstract In a self-training biofeedback system, a physiological signal representing the state of relaxation of a person using the system is applied to a time counter to generate a binary count output representing the relaxation period. A visual indicator connected to the time counter provides the self trained person with a quick display of the measured time period so he can gauge the depth of his relaxation. Notes: BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to self-training biofeedback systems for indicating the mental condition of a person to assist him in bringing his mind into a state of relaxation. It is well known that human mental activity can be measured in terms of electrical activity of the brain as represented by the brain waves, or in terms...