
Showing posts with the label brain state
“Independent Researcher, Librarian, Music Educator and Composer" - Ted Hunter

Patent No. 6488617 Method and device for producing a desired brain state

  Patent No. 6488617 Method and device for producing a desired brain state (Katz, Dec 3, 2002) Abstract A method and device for the production of a desired brain state in an individual contain means for monitoring and analyzing the brain state while a set of one or more magnets produce fields that alter this state. A computational system alters various parameters of the magnetic fields in order to close the gap between the actual and desired brain state. This feedback process operates continuously until the gap is minimized and/or removed. Notes: Method and device for producing a desired brain state. Filed October 2000, granted December 2002. Desired by whom? This one states that entrainment can be done through magnetic fields and pulses. It also refers to ?other' means of collecting the EEG, EMG or MRI data and feeding to a computer. The QEEG as mentioned might be a way to aid in the detection of the psychotronic attacks.