
Showing posts with the label propaganda and psychological warfare
“Independent Researcher, Librarian, Music Educator and Composer" - Ted Hunter

Patent No. 3278676 Apparatus for producing visual and auditory stimulation

  Patent No. 3278676   Apparatus for producing visual and auditory stimulation (Becker, Oct 11, 1966)   Notes: The above noted media can be used in various fields of endeavor. As will be appreciated from a more complete consideration of the invention, among the fields to which said invention is best applied, are (1) medicine, psychiatry and psychology (as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool);    (2) education (as an aid in teaching at all levels and, in particular, as a rehabilitative auxiliary in, for example, juvenile delinquency);    (3) advertising and marketing (as point of sale advertising technique and as mass advertising process);    (4) propaganda and psychological warfare (conditioning civilian and military personnel, enemy aliens, prisoners of war, or opposing forces or civilian population) and to counter “brainwashing.”    (5) enhancement of motion pictures    * * * * *   Gives explanati

Targeted Individual Handbook - by Loki Hulgaard

Free Audio Book! Click photo for Audio Book A comprehensive overview of the targeted individual phenomenon, gangstalking and directed energy weapon assault against dissidents; and targets of the judeo-masonic global order. Interview with Richard Lighthouse (from Targeted Justice ) Dr. Bill Deagle's experiences at Schriever Air Force Base, CO Schriever Space Force Base is the largest satellite operations facility in the world. It is a deep underground military base, and has been the center of controversy for decades, primarily due to its secretive nature, and the number of personnel with Top Secret clearances. Dr Bill Deagle, MD worked at the base in the 1990’s and reported what he experienced. This 5 minute video might change what you know about the U.S. secret space program. Click Photo Related Topics Covert Operations of the National Security Agency (NSA) TARGETED INDIVIDUALS - TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDER 13818 - SATELLITE AR > Executive Order 13818 < Thought Reading C