“Independent Researcher, Librarian, Music Educator and Composer" - Ted Hunter

Patent No. 3278676 Apparatus for producing visual and auditory stimulation

 Patent No. 3278676  Apparatus for producing visual and auditory stimulation (Becker, Oct 11, 1966)



The above noted media can be used in various fields of endeavor. As will be appreciated from a more complete consideration of the invention, among the fields to which said invention is best applied, are

MLM Gateway - Helping network marketers build their business

(1) medicine, psychiatry and psychology (as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool); 


(2) education (as an aid in teaching at all levels and, in particular, as a rehabilitative auxiliary in, for example, juvenile delinquency); 


(3) advertising and marketing (as point of sale advertising technique and as mass advertising process); 


(4) propaganda and psychological warfare (conditioning civilian and military personnel, enemy aliens, prisoners of war, or opposing forces or civilian population) and to counter “brainwashing.” 


(5) enhancement of motion pictures


* * * * *


Gives explanation of three experimental techniques:

1) word association technique;

2) the tachistoscopic technique;

3) the Luria motor technique.

Also explains how subliminal and supraliminal techniques are used.


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