“Independent Researcher, Librarian, Music Educator and Composer" - Ted Hunter

Video: Dehumanization and Devolution - The Torture-Mind Control Agenda Exposed

Full Documentary


Torture stands out as the major mechanism for entraining mankind into the New World Order where humans will be part of a hive mind, thinking common thoughts, having common opinions and posing no resistance to whatever the evil controllers want to impose. In this documentary, you will find out that the most commonly touted use for torture (the extraction of information from an enemy) is a disguise that covers the real purposes for this inhumane process. 

Find out how torture is and will be used in the near future to complete the controllers´plan for world wide dominance and the destruction of the human species as we know it. References are listed in the shownotes, available on https://pineconeutopia.wordpress.com where you can follow along with our ongoing research.


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