“Independent Researcher, Librarian, Music Educator and Composer" - Ted Hunter

Dr. Robert Duncan on Neuro, Microwave and V2K Weapons Targeting American Citizens

 Whistleblower, Computer Scientist & Consultant, Independent Researcher, DoD, Navy, NATO, Professor, Inventor, Artist, Writer

Dr. Robert Duncan was a D0D, CIA, DARPA, DOJ contractor until he discovered that his work on neuro technologies was being used to torture innocent American citizens. Dr. Duncan is the author of "Project Soul Catcher." 

In this interview, Ramola D discusses with Dr. Robert Duncan his background and knowledge with v2k weapons and technologies, microwave weapons, electromagnetic weapons, military black projects, torture, remote neural monitoring and more. 

The Army has removed this definition from their thesaurus

Original Source:

Book: Project Soul Catcher: 

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Digital Super Intelligence has fused with Biological Intelligence turning humans into Biorobots

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