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Patent No. 3773049 Apparatus for the treatment of neuropsychic and somatic diseases with heat, light, sound and VHF electromagnetic radiation


Patent No. 3773049 

Apparatus for the treatment of neuropsychic and somatic diseases with heat, light, sound and VHF electromagnetic radiation (Rabichev et al., Nov 20, 1973)


An apparatus for the treatment of neuropsychic and somatic disorders wherein light-, sound-, VHF electromagnetic field-pulses and radiation from light-, sound-, VHF electromcagnetic field- and heat-sources, respectively, are simultaneously applied by means of a control unit to the patient's central nervous system with a predermined repetition rate. The light radiation and sound radiation sources are made so as to exert an adequate and monotonous influence of the light-and sound-radiation on the patient's visual analyzers and auditory analyzers, respectively.


For the first time in medical practice, thanks to the apparatus of the present invention, use is made of a complex of four physical factors acting simultaneously on the respective receptors, said factors operating with predetermined rhythm pattern, and the sources of respective radiation being placed at a predetermined distance from the patient's receptors, so that it could bring about such a state of the nervous system which is characteristic of rest and sleep.


The present invention relates to physiotherapeutic apparatus, and more particularly to apparatus for the treatment of inorganically caused neuropsychic and somatic disorders, such as neuroses, psychoses, insomnia, hypertension, tonic disease, ulcer, stammering, bronchial asthma, intestinal dyskinesia, cardioneurosis, vegeto-vascular neurosis, eczema, asthenic and reactive disturbances. The apparatus of the present invention may find successful application in sports- and military medicine, i.e., in such situations as:



Known are apparatus for the treatment of neuropsychic and somatic disorders in which light and sound pulses are emitted by light radiation sources and sound radiation sources to act upon the patient's central nervous system.

In said apparatus use is made of light- and sound radiation sources. The sound emission includes speech sounds recorded on a magnetic tape, as well as ultrasound. Under the treatment conditions the patient's head and the upper portion of his body are enclosed in a chamber which is made in the form of a kind of sarcophagus.

Thus in the above-said apparatus, only one curative factor is employed, namely that of speech formulae of a hypnotic suggestion as recorded on a magnetic tape and designed to produce a suggestive effect via channels of the second signal system (intellect, mind, psyche). Whenever the patient is psychologically reluctant to admit suggestive formulae, such an apparatus is of no avail as far as that particular case is concerned. Light- and ultrasound emission, used in the apparatus of the prior art, do not, in fact, play an independent curative role, but are rather of an auxiliary nature, for their action on the patient's central nervous system is continuous and intended to inhibit the same so that an appropriate background could be prepared to facilitate the suggestive treatment itself. The background factors themselves are physiologically inadequate being beyond the ranges of aural and ocular perception and sometimes involving an adverse effect upon the patient's condition. It should be stressed that the chamber used in accomodating the patient's head and the upper portion of his body has an unfavourable effect upon the patient, because it is made, as said above in the form of a sarcophagus and may give rise to negative phychic responses.


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