“Independent Researcher, Librarian, Music Educator and Composer" - Ted Hunter

The Governors of Gangstalking (PDF)

By Richard Lighthouse 

The Governors of Gangstalking By Richard Lighthouse The Governors of Gangstalking Published by Richard Lighthouse at smashwords.com Creative Commons 4.0 License, 2018 by Richard Lighthouse. Please acknowledge source.

 ISBN: 9780463549049 

Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: 

This short ebook expresses the opinions of the author. All comments and statements in this ebook are opinions of the author. If you disagree with these opinions, then write your own book. While the author has used his best efforts in preparing this document, he makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents and specifically disclaims any implied warranties or fitness for any particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or sales materials. The author does not advocate violence in any way. All readers are encouraged to do their own research.


Many of my books and information can be found for FREE at: RLighthouse.com and Smashwords.com 

Original 1A – 25 December 2018 
Merry Christmas, Targeted Individuals 
Houston, Texas, U.S.A. 
Revision 3C - 14 March 2019



Download the Full PDF with Diagrams and Figures here:


The Governors of Gangstalking


Chapter 1: 

Chapter 2: 

Chapter 3: 


Rev 3C - This short ebook describes the leaders of the gangstalking program against Targeted Individuals in the United States. Their names are David J. Glawe and Brian J. Murphy. I was able to track down these two criminals, due to the brave efforts of police whistleblowers. During 2018, there were 3 police whistleblowers that stated the Fusion Centers were being used as Gangstalking control stations. The Intelligence & Analysis Office of DHS provides funding, training, free software, database and contact lists, and some of the key personnel for the Fusion Centers in the United States. I & A Office coordinates between the Fusion Centers and works with the Emergency 911 Call Centers in the United States, to block and redirect the emergency calls of Targeted Individuals. Many Targeted Individuals have experienced what happens when making a 911 emergency call and no ambulance arrives, or police arrive and mock you. 

In my opinion, Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and President Trump do not know about the criminal conduct in the DHS Intelligence & Analysis Office. Organizational charts, background information, and further research are suggested for readers. Targeted Individuals are encouraged to write or call the DHS Secretary and FBI agents - and tell them what is happening. Try to use different channels to contact them. It appears that the Office of the DNI and FBI's Counterterrorism Unit are also directly involved. Write to your Senators and Congressmen. Talk to your State legislators. Email your City Council members and Medical Doctors. I have provided a long list of contacts at the DHS – please contact them, or if you are in the Washington DC area, please hand-deliver messages and leave flyers on their cars. 

In my opinion, Glawe and Murphy have committed acts of High Treason against United States citizens. Under the U.S. Constitution and Federal Law, a judge can deliver a death sentence to these government officials and each of the employees in the DHS Intelligence and Analysis Office. A lifetime sentence in prison, without parole, is also a possibility for them. 

The last know address for David J. Glawe is 2912 S Grant St, Arlington, VA 22202.

 * * * * *

Please print this document for distribution – the government criminals are tracking it electronically.


 * * * * *





DHS addresses in Washington DC – leave flyers on the cars: 

Department of Homeland Security 
245 Murray Lane SW 
Washington, DC 20528-0075 

3801 Nebraska Ave NW 

1120 Vermont Ave NW 

650 Massachusetts Avenue NW 

1880 2nd Street SW 

645 H Street NE 

90 K Street NE, #1200 

300 7th Street, SW 

301 7th Street, SW #G217 

1331 Pennsylvania Ave NW 

U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security 
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building 


David J. Glawe and Brian J. Murphy are the leaders of the Intelligence & Analysis (I & A) Office at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This division is directly responsible for the funding and staffing of federal DHS and FBI personnel at Fusion Centers located in every state. The DHS.gov website makes it clear that they also are involved with funding, staffing and strategy for the Emergency Call Centers that are located in every large city in the United States. 

During 2018, at least 3 former police officers (whistleblowers) have come forward and stated that the Fusion Centers are the control stations for gangstalking. The DHS Intelligence & Analysis Office openly state on their website, that they provide funding, direction, and some of the key personnel to the Fusion Centers. The I & A Office also provides funding and some key personnel to the Emergency Call Centers (911) around the country. By providing funding to these organizations, I & A has policy and directional control of these organizations. This is important information for the Targeted Individual community, because it allows us to make a connection to the executives at the DHS that are funding and directing the gangstalking of thousands of Targeted Individuals in the United States. This author has previously estimated that there are about 170,000 Targeted Individuals in the United States, and more than 1 million worldwide. 

MLM Gateway - Helping network marketers build their business 

Figure 1. DHS Office of Intelligence & Analysis. 


Figure 2. DHS provides key personnel to the Fusion Centers.


Figure 3. This DHS information shows that Fusion Centers are provided funding, key operational & training personnel, software and databases. Fusion Centers are coordinated and funded through the DHS Office of Intelligence & Analysis and the DNI. Some of the Fusion Centers claim they are locally operated. However, most of their funding, training, and software & databases, come from the DHS and DNI offices - that's where the policies and marching orders originate. If they don't follow the guidelines and follow orders, then the Fusion Center will not receive federal funds or key personnel. They are controlled by DHS. 


Source Information: 









Although you have probably never heard of these two criminals, they are close to the top of the executive ranks in the Federal government. Glawe is head of the DHS Intelligence & Analysis Office. Organizationally, Glawe is two steps away from President Trump. Glawe's boss is Kirstjen Nielsen who was appointed by President Trump to lead the DHS. Secretary Nielsen is a cabinet-level appointment and probably communicates with the White House staff on a daily basis. This is how close these criminals are to the President, yet in my opinion, Secretary Nielsen and President Trump do not know about the gangstalking program. The program is strictly controlled by the CIA and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). This is one example of how the Shadow Government and the Deep State operate. See the book, “The American Deep State,” by Dr Peter Dale Scott, Professor at UC Berkeley. 


David J. Glawe 


Figure 4. 



The Honorable David J. Glawe was unanimously confirmed by the United States Senate on August 3, 2017, as the Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). He is charged with providing the Secretary, DHS senior leadership, DHS Components, and state, local, tribal, territorial, and private sector partners with the homeland security intelligence and information they need to keep the country safe, secure and resilient. The Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) is a member of, and the Department’s liaison to, the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC). He serves as the Chief Intelligence Officer for DHS and reports directly to the DHS Secretary and Director of National Intelligence. 

Prior to his appointment, Mr. Glawe served as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Homeland Security at the White House. He has over 26 years of national security and law enforcement experience, recently serving as the Assistant Commissioner, Office of Intelligence, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), where he led the development, coordination, and implementation of intelligence capabilities and operations in support of CBP’s mission. 

Mr. Glawe served in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence as the Deputy National Intelligence Manager for Threat Finance and Transnational Organized Crime overseeing and integrating IC’s collection and analytic efforts. He subsequently served the President’s National Security Council as the senior intelligence official implementing the President’s strategy on Transnational Organized Crime within the intelligence and law enforcement communities. 

Mr. Glawe was a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and a Supervisory Special Agent in the Counterterrorism Division. Earlier law enforcement positions include serving as a Federal Agent with the United States Postal Inspection Service and a Police Officer in Houston, Texas, and Aurora, Colorado. 

Mr. Glawe obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Northern Iowa and is a graduate of the Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government – Senior Managers in Government program. His numerous honors include the National Intelligence Superior Service Medal and the Department of Justice Meritorious Public Service Award. 

Glawe's disclosures to the Senate Intelligence Committee: 


Figure 5. Glawe's last known address – this is public information. 

2912 S Grant St 
Arlington, VA 22202 


Relatives listed on Zabasearch.com 

Nancy Glawe, 80 
Jane Glawe, 48 
James D Glawe, 
87 Jon M Goerish, 46 
Carla R Goerish, 47 
Chad R Goerish, 51 
Beverly I Goerish, 73 
Roger J Goerish, 74 
Perry J Goerish, 48 
Note that Zabasearch is connecting Perry J. Goerish with David J. Glawe. Perry J.Goerish is an FBI Agent that lives with, or close to Glawe. 
Figure 6. Perry James Goerish is an FBI agent, and David Glawe is a former FBI agent. Zabasearch.com shows them at the same home address. 
In my opinion, the CIA might be blackmailing David Glawe to expose him as a gay man. 
Kay Griggs, whistleblower, talked about this type of blackmail being done against her husband, Colonel Griggs in the USMC. The CIA refers to them as “cherry marines.” See the video interviews with Kay Griggs. www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMDy8HCo5iw 
Brian J. Murphy Figure 7. 
Brian Murphy is the Principal Deputy Under Secretary for the Office of Intelligence and Analysis. In that role, he advises and assists the Under Secretary and is responsible for the conduct of key intelligence activities supporting the Department of Homeland Security; State, Local, Tribal, Territorial and Private Sector partners; and the Intelligence Community, including: intelligence collection, production, dissemination, watch and warning, watch-listing and partner engagement. He also serves as the Deputy Chief Intelligence Officer for DHS. 
Prior to this selection, he served as the Acting Principal Deputy for Intelligence and Analysis. Before joining DHS, Mr. Murphy was responsible for the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s national level counterterrorism programs, intelligence sharing within the intelligence community and state and local law enforcement. In this role, he developed and implemented the FBI’s counterterrorism program, including policy and budget development, training, and the buildout of several pilot field offices. 
A distinguished law enforcement professional, Mr. Murphy began his FBI career in 1998 as a Violent Crime Inter-Agency Task Force Agent in the New York field office. He gained in-depth leadership and operational experience in his 20-year career through a variety of positions, including National Mission Manager, CT Division, 2006-2009; CT AttachΓ©, US Embassy Algiers, 2009-2011; Joint Terrorism Task Force Supervisor, Pittsburgh Regional Area, 2011- 2013; and Special Agent in Charge, Chicago Regional Area FBI Counterterrorism Office, 2013-2015. 
Mr. Murphy was appointed into the Senior Executive Service in 2016. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Government from the College of William & Mary, and a Master’s degree in Islamic studies from Columbia University. He is also a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps. 
Author's note: These two men share a common background in the FBI's Counterterrorism Office. This suggests that the FBI may hold their gangstalking operations under the Counterterrorism office. Note also that Murphy is involved with “Watchlisting,” which is likely how all Targeted Individuals are tracked. Murphy is also involved with “Partner Engagement” - which likely means that he works with Infragard, Citizen Corp, Neighborhood Watch, and other community groups to arrange for their funding and resources. “CounterTerrorism” is the Code Word for Gangstalking. 
17 Intelligence Agencies 
I & A states that they work with all 17 Intelligence agencies. As I have previously stated, the Terror Watchlist is used to track Targeted Individuals as “Non-Investigative Subjects” (NIS). This also explains why the FBI's Counterterrorism Department is involved – because they consider Targeted Individuals to be “terrorists.” Glawe and Murphy both were employees at the FBI's Counterterrorism Office. That is not a coincidence. The 17 Intelligence agencies are: 
Figure 8. 17 Intelligence Agencies. Targeted Individuals should be aware that each one of these agencies have people that contribute to the Gangstalking Program. 
*Interesting that Wikipedia lists the CIA as an “Independent Agency” - apparently they don't follow orders from anyone? 
Gangstalking is Psychological Torture 
Psychological torture is considered a War Crime under Article 32 of the Geneva Conventions, which has a maximum sentence of the death penalty. The United States has been in a declared state of war, since October 2001, which invokes the Geneva Conventions. In the United States, it is also a serious felony charge – to conspire to violate the civil rights of thousands of U.S. citizens - a possible sentence of life in prison. Numerous state and federal laws are being broken every day by these criminals. 
It is disturbing to even consider that these two executives get up every morning, and gladly plan for the torture of thousands of people in the United States. I am alarmed at the thought of even asking this question: How sick and disturbed does someone need to be, to willingly torture people every day? These are acts of violence that are beyond comprehension and beyond murder, in my opinion. It is planned and deliberate, every day. 
Figure 9. Diagram of a Targeted Individual. 
Right click on this image to save it on your computer, or print it out as a flyer. 
Figure 10. DHS Organizational Chart. 
Figure 11. DHS Intelligence & Analysis (I & A) Organizational Chart. The I & A group also reports to the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), which means there are people at DNI that are fully aware of the Targeted Individual Program and the Gangstalking. Readers can learn and deduce many things by studying this diagram. 
If someone is working at a Fusion Center and the DHS Intelligence officer states that a TI's name appears on the Terror Watchlist – how many workers are going to question that? How many workers are going to ask for evidence to prove that a TI - is actually a known or suspected terrorist? The Fusion Center and the Emergency Call Center is going to treat you like a real terrorist, because the DHS instructs them to do so. This is how TI's are denied medical and emergency help. 
Background Information 
Based on Murphy's job description, we can deduce that he is probably responsible for negotiating the contracts with Citizen Corp, Infragard, Neighborhood Watch, and other local groups that are performing local gangstalking activities for the DHS. This also helps the DHS to avoid FOIA requests, because some of the activities are not performed by government officials. Clearly there is a mechanism for paying & funding these organizations. 
In my opinion, David J. Glawe and Brian J. Murphy probably are involved with the international gangstalking efforts as well. I recommend that Targeted Individuals in other countries find the connection back to these criminals. There is likely a connection with Interpol, EU, and NATO organizations. Please help us do this research. Please use your Freedom of Information Requests to identify international organizations and government officials that had conversations with David Glawe or Brian Murphy, or people within the DHS Intelligence & Analysis Office. 
Figure 12. Overview of the Targeted Individual Program. Glawe and Murphy get their real marching orders from the DNI office and the CIA. Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen probably does not know about the gangstalking operations. This is how the Deep State maintains its secrecy. 
In my opinion, anyone at the Fusion Center or Emergency Call Center with the title, “Intelligence Supervisor” or “Intelligence Analyst” - is involved in the gangstalking and the coverup. “CounterTerrorism” is the Code Word for Gangstalking. Use a FOIA request to get the names of the local criminals that are staffing these facilities in your state. Also departments and titles that use “Humint” or “Human Intelligence” are often involved. Some of the names are openly posted on your city's website. It seems like the word “intelligence” is always associated with the government's illegal activity. Use the FOIA request to get information – it works. There are sample FOIA letters on the internet. 
Figure 13. Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI.gov) also provides funding to the Fusion Centers. This is in addition to the DHS grant money. As they always say with corruption, just follow the money. 
Figure 14. These are the databases that are used for tracking “Non-Investigative Subjects”, which is the Code Word for Targeted Individual. Joseph Maguire heads the international database, and Charles Kable heads the domestic database. All of the names are combined into the TSDB, or Terrorist Watchlist.
Charles Hamilton Kable, 51 - last known address. Please inform his neighbors and family members what he really does for the FBI. 
Charles H Kable 
25370 Shipley TER #TE Chantilly, VA 20152 
(703) 957-XXXX 
Jacquelyn Schmidt 
Jessica Kable 
Helen Kable 
Andrea Kable 
Father, 80 
Charles H Kable former FBI 
607 3rd ST Herndon, VA 20170 
(703) 437-XXXX 
Suggested Actions for Targeted Individuals: 
We need to identify people at the other 17 intelligence agencies that work with Glawe and Murphy. These intelligence personnel are equally culpable, and should be held accountable for their criminal actions. This can be done using internet search techniques, FOIA requests, and clever efforts. Please help us identify these other criminals. 
Many of the employees at I & A are on Linkedin, Facebook, and other social media. Please help us track them down. 
Please also email everyone at the DHS and FBI, in any department. The best pressure we can put on these criminals – is telling all of their coworkers in the federal government exactly what they do. 
To learn more about how satellites and cell towers are used to keep track of everyone, as part of this illegal CIA program: 
Figure 15. “How the USAF Tracks Everyone.” RLighthouse.com 
You can right-click and save this image on your computer, or print it out as a flyer. 




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