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Patent No. 5159703 Silent subliminal presentation system

 Patent No. 5159703

Silent subliminal presentation system (Lowery, Oct 27, 1992)


A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener.

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Silent subliminal presentation system. Filed December 1989, granted October 1992. Brain programmer with or without entrainment. States that it can be used when other sounds are present. Shows how to detect it. Can be stopped by use of earplugs that stop frequencies used from entering ear. Also this would show up on EEGs as evoked potentials even being subliminal.


This invention relates in general to electronic audio signal processing and, in particular, to subliminal presentation techniques.


Subliminal learning enjoys wide use today and subliminal tapes are being manufactured by a number of companies in the United States alone. Several decades of scientific study indicate that subliminal messages can influence a human's attitudes and behavior. Subliminal, in these discussions, can be defined as "below the threshold of audibility to the conscious mind." To be effective however, the subliminally transmitted information (called affirmations by those in the profession) must be presented to the listener's ear in such a fashion that they can be perceived and "decoded" by the listener's subconscious mind. We are referring to audio information in this discussion, however, information could be inputted into the subject's subconscious mind through any of the body's sensors, such as touch, smell, sight or hearing. As an example, early development work in the subliminal field utilized motion pictures and slide projections as the medium. Early research into visual and auditory subliminal stimulation effects is exemplified by U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,060,795 of Corrigan, et al. and 3,278,676 of Becker. U.S. Pat. No. 4,395,600 of Lundy and Tyler is representative of later developments in today's subliminal message techniques. 

The majority of the audio subliminal tapes available today are prepared using one basic technique. That is, the verbal affirmations are mixed with, and recorded at a lower level than, a "foreground" of music or sounds of ocean surf or a bubbling mountain brook or other similar "masking" sounds. The affirmations are generally recorded 5 decibels (db) or so below the "foreground" programming and regenerative automatic gain control is usually applied to permit the affirmations to change their recorded amplitude in direct proportion to the short term averaged amplitude of the continually varying "foreground" material. In other words, the volume of the affirmations will follow or track the volume changes of the "foreground" programming, but at a lower volume level. Circuit provisions are also usually included to "gate" the affirmations off when the music amplitude is low or zero. This insures that the affirmations cannot be heard during quiet program periods. Thus, today's subliminal affirmations can be characterized as being "masked" by music or other sounds, of constantly changing amplitude and of being reduced or cut off entirely during periods of low or quiet "foreground" programming.

One of the principal, and most widely objected to, deficiencies in available subliminal tape presentation techniques is that the presence of the "foreground" material is intrusive to both the listener and to anyone else in the immediate area. No matter what "foreground" material is chosen, the fact remains that this material can be heard by anyone within its range and presents a definite distraction to other activities such as conversation, thought, desire to listen to other programming such as radio or television, need to concentrate, etc. Additionally, and because the tapes are used repeatedly by the same listener, any "foreground" music or material eventually becomes monotonously tiring to that listener.

It is the purpose of the following described invention to eliminate or greatly reduce all of the above deficiencies. Although its application to the magnetic tape medium is described in the following discussion, the technique is equally applicable to most other desired transmission mediums, such as Compact Disc, videocassettes, digital tape recorders, Public Address (PA) systems, background music installations, computer software programs, random access memory (RAM), read only memory (ROM), "live", real time applications and other mediums now in existence or to be developed in the future.

Implemented on tape cassettes, for example, the subliminal presentation described here is inaudible i.e., high audio or ultrasonic frequencies, the affirmations are presented at a constant, high amplitude level, and they occupy their own "clear channel", non-masked frequency allocations. If desired, the previously described "foreground" music or other material can be added to the tape through use of an audio mixer. The "silent" recordings are inaudible to the user or by others present and are therefore very effective for use during periods of sleep or when in the presence of others. Additionally, the basic requirements of subliminal stimulation are met. That is, the affirmations are efficiently transmitted to the ear and, while undetected by the conscious mind, are perceived by and efficiently decoded by the subconscious mind. 

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Accordingly, several objects and advantages of my invention are:

(a) to provide a technique for producing a subliminal presentation which is inaudible to the listeners(s), yet is perceived and demodulated (decoded) by the ear for use by the subconscious mind.

(b) to provide a technique for transmitting inaudible subliminal information to the listener(s) at a constant, high level of signal strength and on a clear band of frequencies.

(c) to provide a technique for producing inaudible subliminal presentations to which music or other "foreground" programming may be added, if desired.

Still further objects and advantages will become apparent from a consideration of the ensuing description and drawings.


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