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Patent No. 4641633 Electronic system for the activation, inhibition and/or modification of the development and functioning of cells, organs and organisms of living beings


Patent No. 4641633 

Electronic system for the activation, inhibition and/or modification of the development and functioning of cells, organs and organisms of living beings (Delgado, Feb 10, 1987) 


Instrumentation and methodology for the application of non-invasive electromagnetic fields characterized by sharp, unidirectional square waves with rising and falling times below 0.1 microseconds and frequencies below 120 pulses per second. The waves are applied through antennas which produce magnetic fields. The magnetic fields are applied to living beings with the purpose of producing predictable modifications of determined structures, functions and manifestations.



The present invention concerns an electronic system for the activation, inhibition, and/or modification of the development and functioning of cells, organs, and organisms of living beings, applicable from unicellular organisms up to human beings.

The above mentioned system is based on the generation and application of local electrical fields, induced remotely by electromagnetic means, with biological effects which depend on the programming and on preselected parametric characteristics.

Since 1947 the inventor and some of his collaborators have performed and published a large series of experiments to investigate morphological, physiological, and pathological effects produced in cells, organs, and organisms of different animal species from bacteria and insects up to humans, produced by electrical stimulae of special characteristics, applied directly or by electromagnetic induction. Results of these investigations have been published successively through the years to describe each new discovery.

The following provides a list of some of these investigations published by the inventor:


Reference 2: Mihailovic, L. and J. M. R. Delgado. ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF MONKEY BRAIN WITH VARIOUS FREQUENCIES AND PULSE DURATIONS. J. Neurophysiol., 19:21-36, 1956.

Reference 3: Delgado, J. M. R. MULTICHANNEL TRANSDERMAL STIMULATION OF THE BRAIN. Tech. Doc. Rep. #ARL-TR-70-1. Holloman AFB, New Mexico, 24pp. 1970.

Reference 4: Delgado, J. M. R. PHYSICAL CONTROL OF THE MIND: TOWARD A PSYCHOCIVILIZED SOCIETY. Vol. XLI, World Perspectives Series, R. N. Anshen (Ed.), New York: Harper & Row, 280pp., 1969.

Reference 5: Delgado, J. M. R. RADIOCOMMUNICATION WITH THE BRAIN. (10p. brochure for exhibit). Gold Medal Award, Amer, Psychiat. Assoc. Meeting, May 3-6, Washington, D.C., 1971.

Reference 6: Delgado, J. M. R. COMMUNICATION WITH THE CONSCIOUS BRAIN BY MEANS OF ELECTRICAL AND CHEMICAL PROBES. Pp. 25-40 in: "Biological Diagnosis of Brain Disorders". Proc. V. int. Conf. on the Future of Brain Sciences. New York: Spectrum-Wiley, 1973.

Reference 7: Delgado, J. M. R., V. Lipponen, G. Weiss, F. del Pozo, J. L. Monteagudo, and R. McMahon. TWO WAY TRANSDERMAL COMMUNICATION WITH THE BRAIN. Amer. Psychologist, 30:265-273, 1975.

Reference 8: Delgado, J. M. R. TRANSDERMAN COMMUNICATION WITH THE BRAIN IN ANIMALS AND MAN. Invited lecture, XXVI int. Congr. physiol. Sci., New Delhi, October, 1974. Proc. int. Union physiol. Sci. XI: 27, 1974.

Reference 9: Delgado, J. M. R. NEW ORIENTATIONS IN BRAIN STIMULATION IN MAN. Pp. 481-503 in: "Brain-Stimulation Reward", Proc. 1st int. Conf., A. Wauquier and E. T. Rolls (Eds.), Amsterdam North Holland Publ. Co., 622 pp., 1976.

Reference 10: Delgado, J. M. R. INSTRUMENTATION, WORKING HYPOTHESES, AND CLINICAL ASPECTS OF NEUROSTIMULATION. Appl. Neurophysiol., 40:88-110, 1977/78.

Reference 11: Delgado, J. M. R., J. L. Monteagudo, M. Garcia Gracia and J. Leal. TERATOGENIC EFFECTS OF WEAK MAGNETIC FIELDS. IRCS med. Sci., 9:392, 1981.

Reference 12: Delgado, J. M. R., J. Leal, J. L. Monteagudo and M. Garcia Gracia. EMBRYOLOGICAL CHANGES INDUCED BY WEAK, EXTREMELY LOW FREQUENCY ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS. J. Anat., 134:533-551, 1982.

Reference 13: Delgado, J. M. R., J. Leal, A. Parreno, M. Garcia Gracia and J. L. Monteagudo. DIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF WEAK ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS. En Proc. 5th Europ. Neurosci. Conf. Liege, September, 1981.

Reference 14: Monteagudo, J. L., M. Garcia Gracia, J. Leal, C. Hernandez-Ros, E. Ramirez, J. Ortega Klein, J. Palacios Carvajal y J. M. R. Delgado. APLICACION BIOMECANICA DE ESTIMULOS MAGNETICOS. Abstr. en Proc. IV Simp. Soc. iber. Biomecanica, Valencia, November, 1981.

Reference 15: Garcia Gracia, M., J. L. Monteagudo, E. Ramirez and J. M. R. Delgado. ELECTROMAGNETIC MODIFICATIONS OF THE BRAIN. In Proc. 1st World Congr. IBRO, Lausanne, April, 1982.

Reference 16: Leal, J., A. Ubeda, A. Trillo, J. L. Monteagudo and J. M. R. Delgado. MODIFICATION OF EMBRYOGENESIS BY MAGNETIC FIELDS. In Proc. 1st World Congr. IBRO, Lausanne, April, 1982.

Reference 17: Ubeda, A., M. A. Jimenez, M. A. Trillo, J. Leal, and J. M. R. Delgado. FAVORABLE AND TERATOGENIC EFFECTS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS ON CHICK EMBRYOGENESIS. In Proc. EDBO Conf., Strasburg, June, 1982.

Reference 18: Delgado, J. M. R. ELECTROMAGNETIC EFFECTS: FROM INSECTS TO HUMANS. In Proc. Symposium on "Biomagnetism in Psychophysiology" 1st. Int. Conf. on Psychophysiology, Montreal, August, 1982.

Reference 19: Ramirez, E., J. L. Monteagudo, M. Garcia Gracia and J. M. R. Delgado. ELECTROMAGNETIC EFFECTS IN DROSOPHILA. In Proc. 6th Europ. Neurosci. Congr., Torremolinos, September, 1982.

Reference 20: Paino, C. L. and J. M. R. Delgado. RUNWAY PERFORMANCE MODIFIED BY ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS. In Proc. 6th Europ. Neurosci. Congr., Torremolinos, September, 1982.

One of the objectives of all these studies has been the activation, inhibition, and modification of cells and organisms by means of their electrical stimulation which may be programmed and applied by remote control through the intact skin in such a way that different effects have been obtained by choosing different, specific electrical parameters.

The importance of codification of signals and parameters of electrical currents to obtain specific biological effects was studied and demonstrated by the inventor and others in the above identified References 1 and 2. Many of these findings are summarized in the above Reference 4. In the recent published investigations referred to above References 12 and 18, there has been shown that some parameters of electromagnetic waves may have detrimental teratogenic effects. These references show the importance of the shape of the magnetic waves in producing beneficial results. It is shown in these references, that it is essential to have suitable experimental knowledge about which parameters have beneficial, neutral or detrimental effects.

All this previous research led to the development and construction of the system which is the object of the invention, constituting a new system in its electronics, biological effects, and possible scientific and therapeutic applications.

The system, developed according to the invention, consists of a generator of signals produced electronically and one or several antennas which radiate electromagnetic energy over a tissue or biological organism.

The use of electromagnetic coils applied to the skin for transdermal stimulation of tissues, and retaining methods for this purpose, are described in great detail in the above identified references. These include studies performed on monkeys, chimpanzees, and in human patients. These are described in the above identified References 4, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 9.

It should be emphasized that the use of inductive coils to provide electrical current is not new. The use of two coils separated by a distance smaller than their diameter constitutes the configuration known as "Helmholz coils", honoring the memory of the illustrious German physics professor, H. L. F. von Helmholtz (1821-1894) who studied the properties of these coils which from his time have been described in many textbooks on electricity.


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