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Patent No. 5822047 Modulator LIDAR system


Patent No. 5822047

Modulator LIDAR system (Contarino, et al., Oct 13, 1998)


A modulated LIDAR system is disclosed, in which a laser for generating an tical carrier signal and a microwave generator for generating a coded microwave signal are provided. A modulator is further provided for modulating the carrier signal with the microwave signal, whereby a modulated signal is generated. A method of detecting a reflective surface is also disclosed, in which an optical carrier signal is generated, the carrier signal is modulated with a coded microwave signal, the modulated signal is reflected off of a reflective surface and the reflected signal is recovered.



The invention described herein may be manufactured and used by or for the Government of the United States of America for Governmental purposes without the payment of any royalties thereon or therefor.


The present invention relates to detection and ranging systems and, more particularly, to techniques in which LIDAR and RADAR technologies are combined to improve the resolution and sensitivity of conventional LIDAR.

Since the early 1930's, acoustic echo sounders have dominated the field of underwater surveying; however, the slow speed of the transporting surface vessel results in a limited area coverage rate. Shallow water surveying remains a challenge because survey ships operate in relatively deep waters. Therefore, the need for faster, more efficient, and more accurate techniques for shallow underwater surveying has led to the development of airborne light detecting and ranging ("LIDAR") systems. The benefits of LIDAR over SONAR include an increase in coverage rate and area, and an improved spatial distribution of soundings. G. C. Guenther, "Airborne Laser Hydrography--System Design and Performance Factors," NOAA Professional Paper Series, LCN 85-600602, March 1985.

LIDAR systems have been developed for a variety of detection purposes, e.g., detection of underwater targets from an airborne platform. The typical LIDAR system is much like the early RADAR systems. A short pulse of optical radiation is transmitted, and a receiver measures the reflected return optical power as a function of time. In principle, the high optical frequency of LIDAR systems should result in improved target resolution over microwave RADAR, but high attenuation and dispersion of the optical signal and lack of coherent signal processing techniques inhibits the exploitation of these benefits in practice. Therefore, there is a need to develop a method to improve the detection sensitivity of existing LIDAR systems.

In contrast, the use of RADAR on the ground, in the air, and on the sea to locate remote objects has been extensive. This technology has experienced many advances in its history, including sophisticated coherent detection schemes. However, the benefits of microwave RADAR cannot be used directly for underwater detection because microwaves do not penetrate water. LIDAR, on the other hand, uses blue-green optical radiation, which can penetrate the water. However, techniques based on coherent detection cannot be applied to LIDAR because light rapidly loses coherency as it travels through water. This disadvantage results in a loss of system sensitivity and underwater target contrast.


The current invention provides a system in which both LIDAR and RADAR technologies are combined to improve the resolution and sensitivity of conventional LIDAR in the detection and ranging of targets.

The current invention combines the desirable attributes of RADAR and LIDAR to provide a novel hybrid LIDAR-RADAR system, as shown in FIG. 3. The hybrid LIDAR-RADAR system achieves superior detection by combining the sophisticated signal processing techniques for microwave RADAR with the underwater transmission capacity of LIDAR. Referring to FIG. 3, a conventional LIDAR system between points 1.sub.1 and 1.sub.2 is provided. The laser generates pulsed blue-green optical radiation that penetrates deep into the water, and the return signal is captured by an optical detector and investigated for underwater target information.

The application of RADAR to the LIDAR systems is also depicted in FIG. 3. At point m.sub.1, a microwave envelope is superimposed on the optical carrier by a high-speed modulator. The blue-green optical carrier then transports the microwave signal through the water. The reflected optical signal, with the microwave envelope, is detected by an aerial optical receiver. At point m.sub.2, the microwave signal is recovered by a high-speed photodetector. Therefore, between points m.sub.1 and m.sub.2, a RADAR system that can be subjected to well-established coherent signal processing is provided. This approach enables one to transmit a RADAR signal underwater as a subcarrier to render target detection and ranging. At the receiver, both the optical carrier (LIDAR signal) and the microwave envelope (hybrid LIDAR-RADAR signal) can be examined simultaneously from a single measurement.

Other objects, advantages and novel features of the invention will become apparent from the following detailed description of the invention when considered in conjunction with the accompanying drawings wherein:


Each technical article cited herein is hereby incorporated by reference thereto as if set forth in its entirety. Although a present preferred embodiment of the invention and variations thereon have been illustrated and described, the invention is not limited thereto but may be embodied otherwise within the scope of the following claims.


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