“Independent Researcher, Librarian, Music Educator and Composer" - Ted Hunter

Patent No. 5878155 Method for verifying human identity during electronic sale transactions


Patent No. 5878155

Method for verifying human identity during electronic sale transactions (Heeter, Mar 2, 1999)


A method is presented for facilitating sales transactions by electronic media. A bar code or a design is tattooed on an individual. Before the sales transaction can be consummated, the tattoo is scanned with a scanner. Characteristics about the scanned tattoo are compared to characteristics about other tattoos stored on a computer database in order to verify the identity of the buyer. Once verified, the seller may be authorized to debit the buyer's electronic bank account in order to consummate the transaction. The seller's electronic bank account may be similarly updated.



The present invention solves the problems inherent in the prior art. A unique bar code or a unique design is tattooed with invisible ink on an individual. The tattoo can be either temporary or permanent and can be on any convenient portion of the person's anatomy, preferably the forearm. When the individual desires to make a sales transaction, the tattoo is scanned with a scanner. Characteristics about the tattoo are then compared to characteristics about other tattoos stored on a computer database. If the scanned characteristics match those on the database, then the person is identified and the seller will be authorized to debit the buyer's electronic bank account (assuming the buyer has sufficient funds). Unlike credit cards or identity papers, a tattoo cannot be easily lost or stolen.


The forgoing is a description of the arrangement and the operation of an embodiment of the present invention. The scope of the present invention is considered to include the described embodiment together with others obvious to those skilled in the art.


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