“Independent Researcher, Librarian, Music Educator and Composer" - Ted Hunter

Video: DNA Frequency Bioweapon Links Targeted Individuals to Artificial Intelligence


A report of whistle-blower Bryan Kofron, former private security industry specialist in Seattle, working on downloading and uploading information from or to the human brain or a computer. 
By obtaining a complete DNA profile of the targeted individual, in order to determine the resonant frequency of the DNA itself. This resonant frequency can then be used to fine tune the technology to read your thoughts. 
But also to manipulate your thoughts or feelings by sending this signal directly to the targeted individual from a drone, plane or tower, while people around the targeted individual will not be affected. 
By bio-coding certain micro waves, it seems to be possible to let them automatically attack specific individuals. 
This technology can also tap in to the optical or auditory nerve of the target so that what the target is seeing, hearing or thinking can be registered. 
It’s the bio photons that form the interface between our DNA and our brain, that can be replaced by images or sound, in a way that it’s not possible to distinguish them from real. 
Although it has a great potential to connect humans, next to love, this technology can also induce emotions like fear and hate in humans, if it’s used for that. 

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