“Independent Researcher, Librarian, Music Educator and Composer" - Ted Hunter

Patent No. 4335710 Device for the induction of specific brain wave patterns


Patent No. 4335710  Device for the induction of specific brain wave patterns (Williamson, Jun 22, 1982)


Brain wave patterns associated with relaxed and meditative states in a subject are gradually induced without deleterious chemical or neurological side effects. A white noise generator (11) has the spectral noise density of its output signal modulated in a manner similar to the brain wave patterns by a switching transistor (18) within a spectrum modulator (12). The modulated white noise signal is amplified by output amplifier (13) and converted to an audio signal by acoustic transducer (14). Ramp generator (16) gradually increases the voltage received by and resultant output frequency of voltage controlled oscillator (17) whereby switching transistor (18) periodically shunts the high frequency components of the white noise signal to ground.



The present invention relates generally to a device for effecting deep relaxation in a subject. More particular, the present invention relates to a device for the induction of brain wave patterns associated with relaxed and meditative states in a human subject, commonly known as a "brain driver".


It has long been recognized that most mammals and in particular humans exhibit distinct recurring electrical frequencies in their brain wave patterns, each of which is related to separately identifiable physiological states. Brain waves having dominant frequencies from approximately 8-13 Hz, inclusive, are known as Alpha frequency brain waves and are associated with relaxed and meditative states as would occur when a subject has his eyes closed but is conscious and not thinking.

Techniques and devices which attempt to promote natural relaxation may be generally classified as passive or active. Passive devices serve merely to mask out irritating external noises with more pleasant sounds or utilize random or "white noise" to psychologically distract the subject from events which inhibit natural relaxation. Active devices seek to intentionally induce Alpha frequency brain waves in the subject, a phenomena known as "brain driving". Irrespective of the manner in which such brain waves are induced, a subject whose brain waves are principally in the Alpha frequency range will become deeply relaxed and exhibit the same beneficial reduced muscular tension and lowered anxiety and adrenalin levels as are associated with a naturally occurring state of relaxation.

Typical of the numerous passive devices are those which vary the output signal from a "white noise" source and convert the same to an accoustical signal, resulting in pleasant masking sounds. In one device, the white noise source output has its amplitude varied by a saw tooth wave form to produce sounds similar to waves repeatedly breaking in a surf. In another device, the output signal from a "white noise" source has its spectral content and amplitude varied in direct response to a subject's instantaneous dominant brain wave frequency and amplitude, respectively, producing a feedback signal to be utilized by the subject to recognize his present physiological state. All passive devices suffer from a fundamental inadequacy in that they cannot actually induce Alpha frequency brain waves with its associated relaxed and meditative condition.

Currently only three basic techniques for forcing a subject into a state exhibiting Alpha frequency brain waves are known to exist. Perhaps the most widely used is chemical tranquilizers, always subject to potentially grave known and unknown negative side effects or contraindications. The other techniques for "brain driving" involve the use of very bright, quickly flashing lights, direct electrical pulse stimulation of the brain through skin electrodes, or some combination thereof. In either instance, the lights or electrical pulses are synchronized to occur at a rate within the Alpha frequency range, i.e., from about 8 to 14 Hz. However, such flashing lights are not only irritating but may likely initiate a seizure in epileptic individuals. Electrical pulses are not only irritating, but also may produce unknown, deleterious side effects upon other parts of the brain or other neurological activity. Moreover, these devices attempt to very abruptly force the subject from an active and possibly highly emotional state to a highly relaxed and meditative state, thereby greatly increasing the likelihood of failure.


It is, therefore, an object of the invention to provide a device for the induction of brain wave patterns associated with relaxed and meditative states in a subject in a safe manner without deleterious or irritating side effects or contraindications.

It is a further object of the invention to provide a device for the induction of brain wave patterns associated with relaxed and meditative states in a subject, as above, which gradually induces such state in the subject.

It is yet a further object of the invention, to provide a device for the induction of brain wave patterns associated with relaxed and meditative states in a subject, as above, which utilizes a pleasing sound that is modulated and programmed in such manner as to induce Alpha frequency brain wave patterns only in those brain structures where it naturally occurs.

It is still a further object of the invention to provide a device for the induction of brain wave patterns associated with relaxed and meditative states in a subject, as above, which ultimately terminates all variations in modulation of the sound thereby freeing and encouraging the subject's brain to assume whatever somnolent brain wave patterns occur naturally to the subject.

It is still a further object of the invention to provide a device for the induction of brain wave patterns associated with relaxed and meditative states in a subject, as above, which includes a source of white noise and a circuit for modulating the spectral noise density of the white noise in a manner similar to the brain wave patterns associated with relaxed and meditative states so as to promote the gradual transition to an Alpha frequency brain wave condition and the continuous maintenance of the subject in that condition.

These and other objects and advantages of the present invention over existing prior art forms will become more apparent and fully understood from the following description in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.

In general, a device for the induction of brain wave patterns associated with relaxed and meditative states in a subject comprises a signal generator for generating a white noise signal having a uniform spectral noise density, a modulation circuit for receiving and modulating the white noise signal, and means for receiving the modulated noise signal and coupling it to the subject. The modulation circuit modulates the white noise signal in a manner similar to the brain wave patterns associated with relaxed and meditative states in the subject, thereby actively gradually inducing such state in the subject.


Inasmuch as the present invention is subject to many variations, modifications and changes in detail, a number of which have been expressly stated herein, it is intended that all matter described throughout this entire specification or shown in the accompanying drawings be interpreted as illustrative and not in a limiting sense. It should thus be evident that a device constructed according to the concept of the present invention, and equivalent thereto, will accomplish the objects of the present invention and otherwise substantially improve the art of the induction of specific brain wave patterns in a subject.


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