“Independent Researcher, Librarian, Music Educator and Composer" - Ted Hunter

Patent No. 5151080 Method and apparatus for inducing and establishing a changed state of conciousneses


Patent No. 5151080

Method and apparatus for inducing and establishing a changed state of conciousneses (Bick, Sep 29, 1992)


An electroacoustic device includes a sound generator as well as a system for producing synthetic human speech, connected to a modulation stage for superimposing the output signals thereof. The superimposed output signals are applied via an amplifier stage to one of a headphone system or loudspeaker system.



This is achieved according to the invention in that the electromagnetic sound signal as well as the output signal of a system for producing synthetic human speech are conveyed, each other superimposed, to the human ear by way of headphones or loudspeakers.

In this connection, it is of advantage that the sound signals simulate the rushing of waves, upon which the speech signals are modulated into a form that is at least partially, no longer understandable.

Essentially, therefore, the rushing of the waves sound is in the foreground, out of which only rudimentary, incomprehensible or scarcely understandable words are audible. These seemingly nonsensical stimulation signals and word information lead, in the left half of the brain, hence, in the rational area, to a comparatively very fast, apparent tiring or switch-off process with, among other things, strongly reduced sense, logic and control, through which, in a kind of switching, the right half of the brain is now to a large degree receptive to suggestion.

Further, the present invention relates to an apparatus for executing the method, which distinguishes itself according to the invention in that the electroacoustic means for inducing and establishing a changed state of consciousness comprises a sound generator as well as a system for producing synthetic human speech, which are connected to a modulation stage disposed downstream for superimposing the output signals thereof; said output signals being applied via amplifier means to a headphone system or loudspeaker system.

In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the system for generating synthetic human speech is a vocoder for coding speech and producing a robot voice.


Vocoder, sound generator, modulation stage and amplifier stage can also be combined into a compact apparatus.

The specified apparatus is suitable for essentially accelerating and deepening the induction and establishment of a deepened state of consciousness that is physically and psychically relaxed and changed by the seemingly nonsensical stimulation signals and word information that is fed to the ear, and leads in the left half of the brain to a comparatively very fast threshold tiring or switch-off process with, among other things, strongly reduced sense, logic and control, and the right half of the brain being thereby to a large degree receptive to suggestive information and instruction.


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