“Independent Researcher, Librarian, Music Educator and Composer" - Ted Hunter

Patent No. 5221962 Subliminal device having manual adjustment of perception level of subliminal messages


Patent No. 5221962

Subliminal device having manual adjustment of perception level of subliminal messages (Backus, et al., Jun 22, 1993)

ASSIGNEE: Popeil Industries, Inc., Beverly Hills, CA


A method and apparatus for presenting subliminal visual and/or audio messages which allows user verification of message content and presence, as well as proper adjustment of message obviousness while accounting for ambient conditions and user sensitivities is disclosed. This method and apparatus also presents synchronized reinforced sensory input of subliminal messages. This is performed by simultaneously overlaying images received from a VCR over a plurality of television signals. This apparatus directs overlay images over RF television signals having both audio and video components.



The present invention relates to apparatus and methods of producing subliminal signals. More particularly, the present invention relates to apparatus and methods of causing visual and/or audio subliminal signals to be produced. More particularly still, the present invention relates to apparatus and methods causing the production of subliminal visual and/or audio signals which may influence an individual's behavior.


Many apparatus are in the market place today which purport to influence individuals' behavior through use of signals presented below the level of the individual's conscious awareness. Among uses for these subliminal message presentation devices, they are well accepted as a form of selfhelp. Applications for such device include: loosing weight, stopping smoking, developing better study habits, etc.

Such devices are found in several forms. One of the most common of these forms is audio cassette tapes with music or natural sounds, such as waves or wind, masking verbal audio suggestions. Individuals play these tapes in their stereos or portable tape players, generally while working, resting or conducting other activities.

Another common form of subliminal device found in the market today is subliminal video cassette tapes. Such tapes generally show relaxing scenes; such as a beach at sunset or a pine forest in the mountains, while presenting sound tracks of music or natural sounds. Subliminal messages may be present in the visual and-or the audio portion of such tapes. These tapes require the individual to watch a television set to get the tapes' full benefits.

Many problems are presented by these subliminal devices. First, there is no way an individual may verify if any subliminal messages are being presented by such devices. By definition, the messages presented are at levels which are not readily detectable.

Continuing, there is no way an individual may positively verify what subliminal messages he or she is receiving. This is a major drawback because an individual must trust the manufacturer to place correct and positive subliminal messages on the tape. Some of these devices supply scripts and-or recordings of what they claim has been subliminally recorded. But there is no proof that these are accurate.

Next, there is no way an individual may adjust the level at which such subliminal messages are presented. These devices have their subliminal messages recorded at a fixed level of obviousness relative to their visual and/or audio masking signals. An individual has no means to alter this level.

Next, there is no way an individual may adjust the level of the subliminal signal to account for local environmental conditions. As an example, a subliminal audio tape being played in a quiet room may have its messages presented at an acceptable level of obviousness, but the same tape played in a noisy room may have its messages drowned out and reduced to a level which has no influence whatsoever, even on an individual's subconscious.

Next, there is no way an individual may adjust the level of the subliminal signal to account for the individual's own levels of perceptions and awareness. Some individuals are keenly aware of low level visual and/or audio signals while others take little or no notice of the same signals. But current devices have no means for an individual to adjust subliminal signals to account for their own sensitivities.

These devices also compel individuals to listen to and/or watch the same masking signals every time the device is used. A water fall scene or a passage of music may seem pleasing on its first playing, but after several repetitions, an individual may not wish to continue using the device.


In view of the foregoing drawbacks and deficiencies of the prior art, it is an object of the present invention to present properly adjusted subliminal signals which may be masked by a variety of supraliminal signals.

Readers will find further objects and advantages of the present invention from a consideration of the ensuing description and the accompanying drawings.


The preset invention provides means for an individual to manually adjust, from supraliminal to subliminal levels, the level of obviousness of subliminal signals he or she is receiving. An embodiment using the present invention comprises: means to receive signals to be presented subliminally; means to mix such signals with supraliminally presented signals; and means that the individual receiving the subliminal signals may use to smoothly and infinitely adjust such subliminal signals' level of obviousness from supraliminal to subliminal.

The present invention allows individuals to verify the presence and content of subliminal signals they are receiving by providing the individuals with means to smoothly and infinitely adjust the signals from supraliminal to subliminal levels of obviousness.

The present invention allows individuals to smoothly adjust the obviousness of subliminal signals they are receiving to account for local environmental conditions and/or individual levels of perception and awareness.

The present invention eliminates the necessity to repetitiously review supraliminal masking signals by providing means to mix its subliminal signals with a variety of supraliminal masking signals.


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