“Independent Researcher, Librarian, Music Educator and Composer" - Ted Hunter

Patent No. 5245666 Personal subliminal messaging system


Patent No. 5245666

Personal subliminal messaging system (Mikell, Sep 14, 1993)


A personal subliminal messaging system includes a wide range linear subliminal modulator (43), a digital audio recording or play device (46), a microphone (51) to pick up the sound at the ear, and an earpiece (50) to deliver the subliminal message. The sound level at the user's ear is detected and measured. After risetime and decay conditioning of the varying dc control signal, the wide range linear modulator (43) uses this signal to control the level of the message to the earpiece (50). The user adjusts the system for a liminal of a subliminal level. The psychoacoustic phenomena of Post Masking is used to increase the integrity of the message in subliminal messaging systems.



1. Field of Invention

This invention relates generally to auditory subliminal messaging systems, specifically to a system that presents liminal or subliminal messages through an earphone, using the sound, at the ear, as cover for the subliminal message.

2. Description of Prior Art

Subliminal research goes back to the early 1950s in both auditory and visual systems. A search of abstracts in professional journals indicates that over 150 articles and studies on subliminal messaging have been published. Originally, those interested in this subject desired to effect other people's behavior without their knowledge.

Subliminal messaging using sound is accomplished by adjusting a message to a volume below a cover sound, such as music. The message volume is varied in response to the cover sound level to keep it hidden.

Four patents issued on subliminal systems are, U.S. Pat. No. 3,060,795 to Corrigan et al., U.S. Pat. No. 3,278,676 of Becker, U.S. Pat. No. 4,395,600 to Rene R. Lundy et al., and U.S. Pat. No. 4,777,529 to R. M. Schultz et al.

The auditory devices of Becker and Schultz are designed to produce subliminals under controlled circumstances. Disadvantages of these systems are:

a. Both systems uses standard voltage-controlled amplifiers, which, normally, do not have a linear or controllable wide range of operation and both systems could have large errors at low cover signal levels.

b. Linearity is not mentioned in either patent and is surely necessary in a personal system, because of the broad range of sounds that are encountered.

c. Both systems need one or more dual +/- power supplies.

d. Both systems use rectifier or precision rectifier circuits that could surge at very low amplitudes or have a different responses to widely varying amplitudes.

e. Lundy's system was designed with modulation responses to hide the message by reducing the message level quickly with a quick reduction of ambient level and increase it slowly. This tends to keep the message at a very low average level.

f. Schultz's system was designed to change the amplitude of the subliminal message rapidly with a change in the cover sound. This means the subliminal message volume varies greatly and quickly providing a loss of message integrity.

g. None of the prior art is portable or readily adaptable for personal use.

h. None of the prior art is quickly programmed with a desired message.

Presently, subliminal messaging is used successfully in the area of self improvement. Hundreds of pre-recorded cassette tapes are available which present positive affirmations, subliminally, to the listener. The tapers are effective, but limited, because the user can't be sure what, if any, message is under the music. Subliminal tapes recordings need modulators that need accurate control over a relatively small volume range, since the music is kept at a relative constant volume and is usually accompanied with the sound of waves. The sound of waves have a broad range of frequencies, which makes it an excellent cover sound.

Researching past studies suggests, subliminal messages are more effective if the listener understands the content of the message and has confidence in it. Relaxation also increases the effectiveness of subliminal messaging.

Presenting subliminal messages over as earphone, in response to the sound at that ear presents a number of problems. The very close and personal distance of the earphone and relative great distance of the controlling sound means that an error made by the modulator can become immediately apparent and annoying to the listener.

There is a need for a system that solves these problems and brings the full power of subliminal messaging to the individual.


Objects and Advantages

The present invention is a method and system to allow a message to be presented to the user through an earphone at a subliminal level. The system uses the sound, measured at the ear, as the cover sound. This means that an affirmative message may be chosen, recorded, and used, subliminally, within seconds. It is designed to be easy to use, portable and is non-intrusive to the everyday flow of life.

In use, the basic system allows the user to push a button to record an affirmative message on an internal digital-analog storage chip. When the record button is released the message is presented, repeatedly, at the earpiece. The user then adjusts the amplitude ratio control to a liminal or subliminal level.

Music makes the best cover sound, but this system makes it possible to present subliminals in reference to everyday sounds, which can vary more in amplitude and less in frequency distribution than music.

The base system, which is the most acoustically demanding, has been built and is being tested with positive results.

The user understands and has confidence in the message, because he is able to pick and word the affirmative message, as he sees fit and can easily test for the presence of the message during use.

The basic system uses a digital audio storage circuit, but the message signal may be derived from other mediums, such as digital ROM cards or audio cassette tapes.

Accordingly, besides the objects and advantages of the Subliminal Messaging Systems described, several objects and advantages of the present invention are:

a. to provide subliminal messages in an earpiece, in reference to the sound, without overtly effecting the normal hearing in that ear. Earphones and earpieces are presently available to cover this need.

b. to provide a simple and accurate wide range subliminal modulator that is powered by a single 9-volt battery.

c. to provide a subliminal modulator that has a linearity and accuracy of no less than 2% over a voltage range of 40 db and has a consistent response over a wide range of operation.

d. to provide a subliminal modulator having a frequency response to a microphone and modulator, similar to that of the message output.

e. to provide a pocket-sized subliminal messaging system.

h. to provide a subliminal messaging system that is able to produce a liminal message that is comfortable and barely evident to the listener.

g. to produce a subliminal modulator with response that increases the subliminal message amplitude in a stable, controlled fashion and decreases it in a slower fashion to insure message integrity and keep the message at the highest possible level.

h. to produce a subliminal system that takes advantage of forward masking.

Post masking, or forward masking is a psyco-acoustic function in the human auditory system. Forward masking is the ability of one sound to cover or mask another sound that follows it in time. The length of time that forward masking provides cover is affected by the amplitude, duration, and frequency characteristics of both sounds.

In using forward masking, the wide range linear modulator adjusts the subliminal message volume so that it is increased at a steady rate, then decreases at a rate, related to the length of time the cover sound has been at the controlling level. Short transients in the cover sound, such as a single drum beat, will allow the subliminal message volume to quickly decrease again. When the cover sound level has been at a higher level for a longer period of time, the subliminal message volume decay is respectfully slowed, suing forward masking to cover the subliminal message .


This system is, also, wall adapted for use in producing anti-theft subliminal messages in retail stores.

In addition the modulator can also be used in a system mode where an audio signal, such as one channel of stereo is extracted. This signal is measured and reinserted into the system with the subliminal message signal added to it. The audio signal and subliminal signal are supplied to the speaker together.

What has been described are auditory subliminal messaging systems which constitute presently preferred embodiments of the invention. Various changes and modifications will be apparent to those skilled in the art. Digital components of the preferred embodiment may be replaced by equivalent analog components. Modifications may include having all modulator or system functions on one chip. A further modification may be also be adapted with a lockable tape carrier and Auto on-off function for use with a TV. A further modification would carry a cover sound, such as an FM receiver, a subliminal message source and modulator in one portable package. Thus the scope of the invention should not be determined by the appended claims and their legal equivalents, rather than by the examples given.


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