“Independent Researcher, Librarian, Music Educator and Composer" - Ted Hunter

Patent No. 5352181 Method and recording for producing sounds and messages to achieve Alpha and Theta brainwave states and positive emotional states in humans


Patent No. 5352181

Method and recording for producing sounds and messages to achieve Alpha and Theta brainwave states and positive emotional states in humans (Davis, Oct 2, 1994)


A method and recording for use in achieving Alpha and Theta brain wave states and effecting positive emotional states in humans to enhance learning and self-improvement, is provided which includes a medium having a musical composition recorded thereon with an initial tempo decreasing to a final tempo and verbal phrases, comprising between approximately 4 and approximately 8 words, recorded in synchrony with the decreasing initial tempo.



1. Field of the Invention

This invention relates to a method for producing sounds (musical/instrumental) and messages (words and phrases) to achieve specific conscious brainwave states (Alpha and Theta), and positive emotional states (peace, comfort, well-being, confidence, and relaxation), which brainwave and emotional states are conducive to heightened and accelerated absorption for learning, greater receptivity to creativity, confidence and self-esteem, as well as the enhancement of self-image, and the overall physical and emotional health in humans.

2. Discussion of Prior Art

A prior art search was conducted by the following means:

(1) a formal search (using the firm of Prior Art Searches, Inc.) related to all sound/message systems and methods; and

(2) a thorough search of publications related to all sound/messages systems and methods.

The search revealed certain types of sound/message methods and systems in the form of audio or audio/visual tape recordings which were created and produced to influence individuals, by the promotion of products (i.e., self improvement recordings, having themes such as non-smoking, exercise, relaxation, positive thinking, motivation, etc.)

No prior art was revealed in the patents cited herein that reveal any effort towards a patentable invention that provides an audible sound/message method for the specific purpose to (1) achieve the Alpha and Theta brainwave states; and to (2) achieve positive emotional states, in humans.

The cited publications relate to and support this invention. The cited publications relate to and support the inventions' theory that certain types of sound/message methods produce states of consciousness in humans that enhance listening, learning, instilling feelings of comfort, security, and safety. The Alpha and Theta brainwave states, therefore, are the catalyst for a healthy and happy life.

Although there have been discussions and publications regarding the correlation of learning to particular brainwave states in the last thirty years, surprisingly, little development has been accomplished within this particular scope of the art and its knowledge.

The prior art search, therefore, was directed towards inventions having sound/message systems and/or methods that specifically attempt to achieve, for any reason, particular brainwave and emotional states in humans.

The closest prior art revealed in the search and which are referenced in the attached Form 1449, are U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,060,795; 3,278,676, 4,395,600; 4,777,529; and 5,128,765, which all relate generally to systems and methods for producing auditory or auditory/visual subliminal messages adapted for use in self-improvement programs, anti-shoplifting messages in shopping centers, etc. All are indirectly relate d to brainwave states, but are focused on the use of subliminal, inaudible (unconscious) messages, rather than the conscious present inventions' audible, conscious presentation of material (not subliminal) to achieve the receptive Alpha and Theta brainwave states and then direct audible messages in a far superior way to heighten the absorption of verbal material by the human mind.

To the inventor's knowledge, prior art (patented or published) does not reveal the true, novel concepts of his particular invention.

None of the prior art has dealt with the actual systematic coordination of using gentle musical instrumentation and messages at specific gravitating tempos to achieve the Alpha and Theta brainwave states, which states are conducive to receptivity to learning, building confidence, self-improvement, relaxation and stress reduction, a sense of calm, well being, security and comfort, and self-esteem. In pace with these tempos, positive phrases are specifically placed over the instrumentation.

In the present invention, sounds (instrumentation) are used which induce Alpha nd Theta brainwave states and messages (words and phrase) are used which penetrate more deeply into the mind for long-term benefits. Here, the gentle instrumentation and tempos achieve a relaxed and receptive state in the listener which state is conducive to the receptivity of the positive phrases then spoken and an overall enhancement of learning.


Several objects and advantages of the present invention are, generally, to provide a method for producing tape recordings using loving words and phrases (messages) gently spoken over calming music (sounds) using certain instruments and specific tempos to achieve Alpha and Theta brainwave states in individuals in order to:

(a) enhance listening and learning;

(b) relax, soothe and provide feelings of comfort, security and feelings of well-being;

(c) encourage growth and health;

(d) reduce stress;

(e) build confidence, and offset negativity;

(f) inspire a productive, happy life;

(g) improve intuition and creativity;

(h) create positive attitudes/outlooks; and

(i) renew hopefulness and optimism in humans.

The present invention is made up of the following components/methods:

(1) An original musical composition is instrumentalized with soft, low-dynamic range instruments, such as strings, bells, and voices, having tempos of the composition purposefully gravitating from approximately 65-120 beats per minute, slowly descending to approximately 40-60 beats per minute.

It is widely known in the art that certain brainwave states (BWS)(brainwave cycles per second) are achieved by maintaining certain tempos throughout a musical composition and/or presentation of message materials. Generally, musical compositions having "slow, monotonous rhythm, a non-distracting melodic structure (not the hum-along kind), and harmonic patterns based on specific ratios". Gives the best results in which Alpha and Theta brainwaves are achieved.

The correlation of tempos (beats per minute) to brainwave cycles per minute can be summarized as follows:

______________________________________ Composition and/ or Scripts' Tempo/Beats Per Brainwave Brainwave Minute Cycles Per Minute State Achieved ______________________________________ 70+ 13-25 Beta 60 8-12 Alpha 50 4-7 Theta 40 1-4 Delta ______________________________________

While studies show music of 60 beats per minute inducing the highly creative Alpha state, the object of reducing the beats per minute throughout the composition is intended to gradually achieve a human's Alpha and Theta brainwave states (or frequencies), which brainwave states are even more conducive to learning and absorption of audible materials, such as in hypnosis when accelerated learning occurs on the way down to Theta. As supported in the discussions in Super Learning, in the Disclosure Statement, the brains' brainwave cycles or rhythms try to match or synchronize the rhythm or tempos of sounds and/or messages. In the present invention, the utilization of specific sound/message rhythms (tempos) induce human brainwaves to match or synchronize themselves to such sound/message rhythms (tempos).

As an example, sound/message systems recorded with rhythms (tempos) set at approximately 70+ beats per minute will induce the brain's brainwave cycles per second to match or synchronize to those rhythms, producing the Beta brainwave state (frequency) in humans. This particular brainwave state produces feelings of, excitement, tension and stress. Unlike the Alpha and Theta brainwave state, the Beta brainwave state is not conducive to relaxation, concentration and learning.

(2) A script is developed which is centered around a central theme such as learning, self-esteem, appreciation for health, feelings of joy and well-being. The words are scripted with approximately 4-8 words per phrase, with pauses inserted between phrases of approximately 4-8 seconds between phrases. The words and phrases of the script are paced to the descending tempo (beats per minute) of the musical composition.

The object of the specific number of words per phrase, the pauses between phrases, the word speed within the phrases, and the pacing of the words with the descending beats per minute in the musical composition, is intended to have the brains' cycles match and synchronize to achieve the Alpha Theta brainwave states, causing a high degree of receptivity.

The present invention uses musical compositions and scripts, having specific tempos or rhythms to induce a certain relaxation level in humans or to evoke a specific psycho-physical state of relaxed concentration. By reducing an individual's brainwave state to the Alpha and Theta (relaxation) levels, the individual is sufficiently relaxed for accelerated learning to occur. The mind achieves a restful alertness, wherein concentration is at its best.


Scope of Invention

Although the description above contains many specificities, these should not be construed as limiting the scope of the invention but as merely providing illustrations of some of the presently preferred embodiments of this invention. For example, the present invention is presently geared for young children, but is extremely effective with adults. Tapes specifically for the benefit of adults and teenagers are under development.

Thus, the scope of the invention should be determined by the appended claims and their legal equivalents, rather than by the examples given.

The method of this invention utilizes a standard 16 track digital sampler/sequencer and a standard 8 track tape recorder/mixer. In the present invention, a KORG 01/WFD Music Workstation (16 track digital sampler/sequencer), and a TASCAM (8-track tape recorder/mixer is provided.


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