“Independent Researcher, Librarian, Music Educator and Composer" - Ted Hunter

Patent No. 5579241 Real-time acquisition and archiving system for multiple time-sampled signals


Patent No. 5579241

Real-time acquisition and archiving system for multiple time-sampled signals (Corby, Jr., et al., Nov 26, 1996)


Time sampled data from many hundreds of sensors spatially arranged on a subject is acquired, displayed and archived in real-time. A redundant array of acquisition processors coupled to temporary storage device are controlled by a system control processor. As the data is acquired, an operator interacts with a display processor to select sensors mapped on a computer model of the subject. The selected sensors are displayed as real-time `postage stamp` traces each located in a position reflecting their position on the subject. During acquisition in the background, or at some time later, the acquired data is archived onto a slower, but much larger data storage device such as a stream tape, or optical disk.



According to the present invention, a system for the acquisition, monitoring and archiving of time sampled samples from a spatial arrangement of sensors includes a buffer memory to temporarily buffer incoming data samples, a number of dedicated acquisition processors having access to the temporary buffer memory coupled to storage device, a system control processor coupled to an archive storage device to coordinate the actions of the dedicated acquisition processors, a display processor with hardwired and wireless remote operator input/output devices and one or more CRT display devices.

Data flowing in from a sensor array is temporarily buffered by the buffer memory and flows through a previously idle dedicated acquisition processor to its attached storage device. Copying continues until the storage device is full or the operator stops the process. Archive storage of the acquired data can then begin over a private path from the selected acquisition processor to the archive storage device attached to the system control processor. While archiving is in progress, another of the dedicated acquisition processors collects the next set of data.

The system control processor routes selected data samples from the buffer memory to the display processor which creates sequences of image data which are viewed on one or more displays attached to the display processor. Hardwired input devices and wireless input devices attached to the display processor allow the operator to interact with the display processor and to affect the actions of the system control processor.


While only certain preferred features of the invention have been illustrated and described herein, many modifications and changes will occur to those skilled in the art. It is, therefore, to be understood that the appended claims are intended to cover all such modifications and changes as fall within the true spirit of the invention.


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