“Independent Researcher, Librarian, Music Educator and Composer" - Ted Hunter

Patent No. 5845220 Communication method and apparatus with signals comprising scalar and vector potentials without electromagnetic fields


Patent No. 5845220

Communication method and apparatus with signals comprising scalar and vector potentials without electromagnetic fields (Puthoff, Dec 1, 1998)


Information that changes as a function of time is communicated from a transmitting site to a receiving site by transmitting a signal comprising scalar and vector potentials without including ay electromagnetic field. The potentials vary as a function of time in accordance with the information.


This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 07/708,331 filed May 31, 1991 now abandoned.


The present invention relates generally to communication methods and apparatus and, more particularly, to a communication method and apparatus wherein information that changes as a function of time is transmitted by deriving a signal comprising scalar and vector potentials without including an electromagnetic field.


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