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Patent No. 6149577 Apparatus and method for creating a substantially contained, finite magnetic field useful for relieving the symptoms, pain and discomfort associated with degenerative diseases and disorders in mammals


Patent No. 6149577

Apparatus and method for creating a substantially contained, finite magnetic field useful for relieving the symptoms, pain and discomfort associated with degenerative diseases and disorders in mammals (Bouldin, et al., Nov 21, 2000)


A method and apparatus for relieving pain associated with degenerative diseases and disorders in biological subjects such as mammals. The method employs the use of an apparatus which is capable of producing a magnetic field of a particular nature which has been proven in human tests to dramatically reduce pain. An embodiment of the apparatus includes a frame, a plurality of magnets capable of producing a magnetic field wherein each of the plurality of magnets has a north pole and a south pole and a longitudinal axis passing therethrough and are partially held in place by the frame. Another embodiment incorporates a coil of electrically conducting material is wrapped about a frame, and/or the plurality of magnets in an orthogonal relationship to the longitudinal axis of each of the plurality of magnets. A source of electrical energy supplies an electrical current to the coil enabling a magnetic field to be produced therefrom. A switch is provided to enable the electrical current to flow in a first direction and optionally in a second direction opposite to the first direction. A rectifier is provided to alter the inherent supply voltage (e.g., 60 hertz) to a 120 hertz half sine or corresponding DC square wave form.



Magnetism is a property of charge in motion and is related to electrical theory. Each individual atom of magnetic substance is, in effect, a tiny magnet with a north pole and a south pole. Magnetic properties of materials may be classified as diamagnetic, paramagnetic, and ferromagnetic. Their classification relates to the manner in which materials react in a magnetic field. For example, certain solids such as iron are strongly attracted to magnets. Such materials are called ferromagnetic.

Magnetism is also related to current flowing in a conductor. A magnetic field surrounds a current carrying conductor according to the well known "right hand rule". Conversely, it is also known that a magnetic field of flux can induce current flow in circuits.

An embodiment of the present invention is directed to a device for establishing or otherwise creating a substantially contained finite, preferably planar, magnetic field comprised of magnetic and/or electro-magnetic components. The preferred embodiments of the present invention are devices found capable of generating a magnetic field to relieve the symptoms associated with degenerative diseases and disorders, including, pain, swelling, stiffness, etc.

The devices may be configured to include permanent magnets, a coil or plurality of coils of conductor to create magnetism, or both (hereinafter "three phase" capability). A magnetic field produced by a permanent magnet source can be said to constitute a first phase. A magnetic field produced solely by a current carrying coil or plurality of coils of wire can be said to constitute a second phase. A magnetic field created from a current carrying wire in conjunction with the magnetic field associated with the permanent magnetic source can be said to constitute a third phase. The third phase can be further described as "additive" or "opposing". Additive means the direction of the field lines for the permanent magnetic field source and the current carrying coil source are similarly oriented in direction. Opposing refers to the situation where the aforementioned field lines are in opposing direction.

The embodiments of the apparatus of the present invention include: (1) permanent magnets, (2) a current carrying wire for producing a magnetic field around it where the lines of magnetic flux are clockwise or counterclockwise around the wire when viewed from a hypothetical common cross-sectional face, or (3) a combination of (1) and (2), so long as a substantially planar magnetic field is produced therefrom.

The embodiments of the present invention were found useful for relieving pain associated with degenerative diseases and disorders including TMJ pain by establishing a contained magnetic field and exposing the pain region to the field. One of the embodiments includes a plurality of permanent magnets oriented in a side by side axis parallel orientation such that the longitudinal axis and poles of a first magnet are placed adjacent to and parallel with the longitudinal axis of an adjacent or second magnet of similar but not necessarily identical configuration or properties.

Another of the embodiments includes a coil of conductor such as a length of wire with a voltage drop applied to its opposing ends. The planar or confined finite nature of the field is attributable, for the most part, to a frame onto which the coil(s) is/are wound or the permanent magnets attached. Thus, the coil is supported by a frame onto which it is wound and the frame may also hold permanent magnets.

Symptomatic relief (e.g., pain, swelling, etc.) through the use of the apparatus of the present invention is believed to be most prominent within the central passage way of the frame and preferably through coil(s), and/or the belt of permanent magnets, where the field can be said to be finite, and substantially planar in nature because it is bounded by the frame. Further studies, however, may also reveal that the magnetic field emanating from the front or rear face (i.e., the spaced apart sides of the frame) is also effective.

The preferred number of coil wire turns may vary but is believed to be optimal from between two hundred (200) and one thousand six hundred (1600) turns of insulated copper wire, because of the heat generated in the coil due to the inherent resistance of the wire to carry a current.

The preferred frame is shaped to form a circle, rectangle, square or other shape, such as the preferred ellipse having a central passageway or opening. An enclosed shape is believed highly preferred in order to establish the desired confined or finite field. Other means of establishing a contained, finite, preferably planar magnetic field, for example a magnetic field generator have a field emitting face or plate, are believed to be more difficult to create and thus less desirable than the frames and geometries of the present invention.

It is important to point out, the terms "finite" and "planar", as well as "contained" are used in a relative sense. That is, the magnetic filed established within the area bounded by the frame (i.e., the passageway) will have a magnetic field which may vary in flux density depending upon the location sampled, but remain confined, finite, and planar with respect to the physical boundary of the frame which defines the size and shape of the treatment passageway.

Within the coil assembly, or belt of magnets, is at least one optional thermal sensor of either the resistance or thermocouple type. The sensor(s) measure and indicate the coil temperature at various points, and allow the operator of the device to monitor the potential decay of the permanent magnets, if any, which may be weakened by the generated heat of the device depending upon their composition.

The preferred power supply incorporates a transformer capable of delivering current within the preferred amperage range of 0-15 amps of current, the corresponding voltage for which would depend upon the number of turns of wire used to form the coil.

The voltage difference applied to the coil is passed through a voltage regulating device preferably in the nature of a full-wave rectifier set. By passing the output of the rectifier through a switch assembly the operator may regulate the applied current, and thus the generated field can be changed at will by the operator. The rectifier converts the applied alternating current to a direct current (DC) with a resulting ripple frequency of 120 pulses per second. The nature of the wave form is, therefore, best described as a modified one half sine wave formation, because the portion of the wave below the base line dividing the wave form is inverted upward above thereby resulting in the 120 pulses a second.

Of course, the 120 pulses a second presumes a 60 cycle supply voltage common in the United States, but may also be a 50 cycle supply voltage which is common in Europe thereby giving rise to 100 pulses per second frequency or other supply voltage that proves useful. In fact, it is believed by some that frequency modulation will enhance the beneficial results of the inventive method and apparatus.

With respect to the embodiment of the present invention which includes the optional permanent magnets, at least one magnet is removed from the plurality in order to create a gap in the elliptical string thereof. Physically leaving out magnets during the assembly process and replacing them with non-magnetic material or simply providing an air space insures the magnets themselves do not become current carrying conductors and destroy or unnecessarily affect their integrity during operation of the device.

A cover is attached to the frame to shield the coil. The cover, for example, may be a cooperating cover and frame sized to establish a passage between the coil and the cover to form at least one duct enabling gaseous flow into and out of the passage from a location outside of the passage.

The method of the present invention may be summarized in a variety of ways, one of which is the following: a method of relieving pain associated with degenerative diseases and disorders comprising the steps of: providing a DC magnetic field generating device having three phase magnetic field generating capability including a magnetic field component generated by a current carrying coil; energizing the current carrying coil enabling the DC magnetic field to be concentrated within a substantially planar area defined by a central passageway of a device frame; and placing a biological subject in the DC magnetic field and exposing the biological subject to said DC magnetic field.

The method has been found useful for relieving pain associated with degenerative diseases and disorders categorized within the pain group consisting of: myofacial pain, plantar fascitis, back, leg and neck pain. The preferred method also includes providing a combined DC magnetic field generating device with a plurality of turns of wire and a plurality of permanent magnets; applying an electrical voltage drop across the ends of the wire with the current being greater than 1 amp and less than 15 amps, but preferably between 5 amps and 10 amps.

The apparatus of the present invention may be summarized in a variety of ways, one of which is the following: an apparatus for relieving pain associated with degenerative diseases and disorders in humans, comprising means for producing a magnetic field, wherein the means includes a frame having a continuous sidewall and a central passageway extending therethrough, a coil made of electrically conducting material wrapped about the frame and the central passageway; and a source of DC electrical energy operably connected to the coil for supplying DC electrical current to the coil and establishing a DC magnetic field concentrated within a substantially planar area defined by the central passageway and bounded by the frame. A cover is attached to the frame to shield the coil.

An optional switch capable of regulating the direction of the current flow through the wire is also preferred, and the frame is substantially elliptical. Instead of a single coil, a plurality of coils may be used. The at least one coil has preferably between 200 and 800 turns of wire.

The apparatus may also be summarized as an apparatus for relieving pain associated with degenerative diseases and disorders in biological subjects comprising a means for producing a DC magnetic field concentrated within a substantially confined area, wherein the means includes: a frame having spaced apart sides and a central passageway extending therethrough; a coil made of electrically conducting material wrapped about the frame to overlie the central passageway; and a source of DC electrical energy operably connected to the coil for supplying DC electrical current to the coil to establish a DC magnetic field concentrated within a substantially planar area defined by the central passageway and bounded by the frame.

A plurality of optional magnets are positioned adjacent the coil and constrained from movement by the frame, wherein each of the plurality of magnets has a north pole and a south pole and a longitudinal axis passing therethrough, the plurality of magnets are positioned in a side by side axis parallel orientation and are partially held in place by the frame. In the preferred arrangement, the plurality of magnets are positioned to enable the like poles of a majority of the plurality of magnets to be adjacent one another.

The present invention also includes a means for producing a substantially planar, contained, magnetic field capable of relieving pain associated with degenerative diseases and disorders in humans, comprising: a frame having spaced apart sides, a central passageway formed through, and bounded by, each of the spaced apart sides of the frame to define a substantially planar area within the frame; a coil made of electrically conducting material wrapped about the frame and contained within the spaced apart sides; and a source of DC electrical energy operably connected to the coil for supplying DC electrical current to the coil to establish a DC magnetic field concentrated within the substantially planar area.

In addition, the present invention may also be summarized as follows: a device for relieving pain associated with degenerative diseases and disorders such as myofacial pain, plantar fascitis, back, leg and neck pain comprising: a frame having spaced apart side defining a central passageway and a substantially planar area thereof confined within the frame and bounded by an inside edges of each of the spaced apart sides; coil means including a source of DC electrical energy operably connected to at least one coil of electrically conducting wire enabling a DC electrical current to be applied to the wire for establishing a DC magnetic field concentrated within the substantially planar area defined by the central passageway and bounded by the frame.

All of the objects, features, and advantages of the present invention are believed to be within the scope of the present invention, even though they are not specifically set forth in this document.


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