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Patent No. 6898571 Advertising enhancement using the internet


Patent No. 6898571

Advertising enhancement using the internet (Val, et al., May 24, 2005) 


A technique for providing enhanced advertising over the Internet or an intranet is disclosed. In one embodiment, an advertiser advertises a product or service in the usual manner except that an alphanumeric code is identified in the advertisement. The consumer, desiring additional information regarding the advertisement, uses the Internet to log onto a particular website common to all the advertisers (the service provider's website) and then enters the code for the ad. The particular code then accesses an enhanced ad (a web page) that may be specifically directed to a particular geographic location or otherwise customized for the particular consumer. The enhanced ad may allow the customer to obtain coupons, purchase the product or obtain additional information.

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This invention relates to a technique for presenting advertising to potential customers and, in particular, to a technique for presenting advertising over the Internet.


Advertising, such as in newspapers, radio, television, and over the Internet, is limited due to price, space, and time limitations, depending on the particular medium being used. Frequently, consumers desire additional information regarding the advertised product or service, and the consumer must devise ways to find out more about the advertised product or service.

What is needed is a simple technique to allow consumers to obtain more information about advertised products or services. What is also needed is a technique to allow advertisers to provide advertising particularly suitable for a certain type of consumer, such as those within a certain geographic area or those desiring specific attributes in an ad, such as providing coupons or allowing for an on-line sale of the product. Such a service would enhance the sales of the advertised product or service, provide increased consumer satisfaction, and provide a revenue stream for the provider of such a service.


A technique for providing enhanced advertising over the Internet or an intranet is disclosed. In one embodiment, an advertiser advertises a product or service in the usual manner except that an alphanumeric code is identified in the advertisement. The consumer, desiring additional information regarding the advertisement, uses the Internet to log onto a particular website common to all the advertisers (the service provider's website) and then enters the code for the ad. The particular code then accesses an enhanced ad that may be specifically directed to a particular geographic location or otherwise customized for the particular consumer.

In one embodiment, consumers who use the website identify personal preferences for ad enhancements, such as providing coupons, providing certain levels of detail, or providing other features. When the consumer subsequently logs onto the website, the provider's server can identify the consumer by detecting a "cookie" in the consumer's computer, allowing the service provider to then identify the desired enhancements previously selected by the consumer.

The enhanced ad will typically be in the form of a web page sent by the provider's server to the consumer's computer using a web browser.

The ad may contain interactive features, such as allowing the user to select coupons or make a purchase directly from the web page. A coupon would be printed by the consumer's printer or sent to the consumer.

The service provider may receive income from the advertiser or from the owner of the medium that initially displayed the ad containing the code, and revenues may be based upon the traffic for a particular ad or upon any other criteria. Additional features of the system are described herein.


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