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Cell Towers are a Weapon System

Source accessed 4/20/2022 https://targetedjustice.substack.com/p/cell-towers-are-a-weapon-system

Make no mistake - Digital beamforming using panel antennas is a weapon system.

Targeted Individuals are hit with these microwave attacks every day.

The scalar wave can travel through many buildings before hitting a person.

  1. We know it is a scalar wave because a person with V2K can sit under 12 feet of water - and still hear the V2K. Only a scalar wave can do that. Even powerful Xrays and gamma rays would be easily absorbed by a few feet of water.

  2. Your neighbors do not have enough electricity in their house to fire a microwave weapon. It requires the equivalent of about 4000 homes to fire a microwave weapon one time. Your neighbors do not have a microwave beam weapon!

  3. There are no portable microwave beam weapons. They do not exist because they cannot contain that much electricity in small package.

  4. Look at the size of the power cables that go up a cell tower. That is a large amount of electricity!

  5. Four panel antennas usually work together to create a single weapon, which can be fired millions of times each second, at different targets.

  6. Scalar waves can easily penetrate a faraday cage. Water is your best shield.

  7. As a Targeted Individual, more than 90% of your attacks come from cell towers.

Richard Lighthouse interview - Targeted Justice - DEW and gangstalking - Truth Is Out

The Army has removed this definition from their thesaurus

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