“Independent Researcher, Librarian, Music Educator and Composer" - Ted Hunter

Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy

Definitions and Acronyms 

Age Regression: The act of bringing back past memories in a subject through the use of hypnosis. The memories can be very vivid and real in the mind of the subject.

Hypnoamnesia: Temporary loss of memory due to a posthypnotic suggestion.

Posthypnotic Command: Same as Posthypnotic Suggestion. This term "Command" is more commonly used when the hypnosis is forcibly given to the subject and when the subject's will has been broken down though the use of REM Sleep Deprivation and Suggestibility Index increasing drugs like CNS and Cardiovascular Stimulants. The exposure to extreme REM deprivation and select chemical stimulants cause the subject to have no ability to resist the "Suggestion" any longer thereby making it a "Command".

Posthypnotic Suggestion: A subconscious suggestion or command resident and potentially active in the subject following a hypnotic trance or period of direct access to the subconscious mind.

Posthypnotic Suggestibility Index: An index or rating of a subject's susceptibility and sensitivity to hypnosis.

REM DEP: Abbreviation for REM Sleep Deprivation or REM Deprivation. A subject deprived from REM Sleep has multiple symptoms i.e. reduced protein synthesis, black circles around eyes, loss of short term memory, confusion, impulsiveness, anger, frustration, diminished self-esteem, increased suggestibility, reduced productivity, apathy, and depression. Long term REM Deprivation results in death.

Script: A carefully constructed series of words arranged in the form of a posthypnotic suggestion. The script will generally consist of four separate parts;

  • an identifier (subject's name, description, or other identifying factor),
  • trigger activation condition or conditions (when, what or how the suggestion will trigger),
  • the content (what the trigger will precipitate in the perception of the subject),
  • and a duration (when or under what conditions will it stop or finish). Additional reinforcing scripts are usually added to "strengthen" or reinforce the central posthypnotic command.

Somnambulatory State: An abnormal condition of sleep in which motor acts (like walking, running) are performed. This state is typically achieved and a prerequisite to traditional hypnosis.

Subliminal Implant: A posthypnotic suggestion successfully delivered to the subject's subconscious mind.

Transceivers (NSA): Nearly microscopic electronic surveillance devices that collect and transmit encrypted audio, color video, and location coordinates collected at the subject site to NSA Satellites that in turn forward it to NSA central intelligence operations. The devices also receive encrypted audio scripts from NSA central intelligence operations through the satellites and deliver it to the subject's site in the form of a subliminal posthypnotic suggestion. These devices are approximately the size of the head of a straight pin and can be concealed in houses, offices, automobiles, planes, and street corners.

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