“Independent Researcher, Librarian, Music Educator and Composer" - Ted Hunter

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* Scalar Electromagnetic (EM) Fields

* Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM)

* Schizophrenia

  • microwave bioeffect congruence with schizophrenia
MLM Gateway - Helping network marketers build their business

* Schumann Resonances

  • harmonic resonance

* sensory resonance  [ must read! ]

* Sequential Arc Discharge Acoustic Generator (SADAG)

* shadow generating apparatus

* signal analysis

  • multiple time-sampled signals
  • real-time acquisition and archiving system
  • scene description, object extracting, and recording medium
  • separation of impulsed and non-impulsed components

* Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)

* Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS)

* Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)

* Skinner, B. F. (1904-1990)

* sleep-inducing method

  • frequency modulated audio signal
  • maintaining various stages of
  • sleep aid
  • using modulated sound and light

* Sonic Weapon system

* sound

  • beam sound to listeners
  • locally audible sound system
  • three dimensional sound employing phase distribution and duty cycle modulation of a high frequency digital signal

* Sound Pressure Levels (SPLs)

* sound recording system

  • Alpha or Theta state

* speech waveforms

  • neurophone
  • speech generation , non-audible

* Spherical Shock Wave Source (SSWS)

* SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device)

  • beam current sensor

* stimulate

  • auditory
  • biological systems
  • electrical stimulation system
  • electrophysiological stimulation
  • electrostimulation
  • implanted body stimulators
  • interactive video method and apparatus
  • transcutaneous electrical stimulation
  • visual

* Stockholm syndrome

* subliminal advertising

* subliminal message system/method

  • auditory (customer shopping area within a store )
  • auditory subliminal programming
  • audio subliminal recordings
    • method for mixing
  • generator, subliminal message
  • glasses with subliminal message
  • image modulation projection and detection system and method
  • movie theatre "Six Seconds Subliminal Messages"
  • peripheral perception via subliminal stimuli
  • personal subliminal messaging system
  • post-hypnotic scripts, NSA's subliminal
  • protection, subliminal message
  • recording and reproducing subliminal signals that are 180 degrees out of phase
  • recording device, subliminal
  • silent subliminal presentation system
  • silent subliminals, Ultra-High Frequency (UHF)
  • subliminal device having manual adjustment of perception level of
  • Subliminal Influence and NLP
  • subliminal signals, implementing the synchronized superimposition of
  • superimposing method and apparatus useful for
  • therapeutic subliminal imaging system
  • video subconscious display
  • visual messages
  • visual stimulation
  • visual subliminal communications
  • visual subliminal instructional materials

* Superconducting Ring Burst Generator (SCRBG)

* Superconductive Former of Magnetic Field Shock Wave (SFMFSW)

* supraliminal message system

  • generator, supraliminal message


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