“Independent Researcher, Librarian, Music Educator and Composer" - Ted Hunter

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* Watson, John B. (1878-1958)

* wave generation

  • acoustic wave generator, pulsed combustion
  • alpha wave generation apparatus

* wave propagation equations

  • Maxwell's equations
  • scalar EM fields
  • scalar wave

* weapons (technology and equipment)

  • acoustic
  • acoustic blaster
  • acoustic cannon
  • acoustic wave generator, pulsed combustion
  • associative memory
  • audibly communicating speech, apparatus for
  • aural psychological disturbances
  • automatic machine interrogation
  • behavioral influence, remote technology evidence
  • brain activity, analysis and/or use of
  • brain activity patterns, evaluation of a subject's interest in education, training and other materials
  • brain programmer to increase information processing capacity
  • brainwashing
  • brainwave clusters, ultrasonic
  • cognitive performance, method and system for predicting
  • Cold War experiments
    • Cold War studies
    • post cold war government neuroscience research programs
      • invisible war
  • Directed Energy Weapons (DEW): a bibliography
  • drugs, use of
  • electromagnetic technology, military use
  • electromagnetic warfare
  • electronic harassment
  • electronic weapons
    • anti-personnel electromagnetic weapons on the battlefield
  • engine disabling weapon
  • harassment
  • human rights violations
  • implant patents
  • Impulsive Combustion Sources (ICS's)
  • information
  • infrasound
    • vortex ring generator
    • weapons
  • Legal Topics
  • Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD)
  • magnetic excitation of sensory resonances
  • Medical-Industrial Complex
  • mental decision, device and method for  estimating
  • microwave, method for measuring physiological parameter
  • millimeter wave beams
  • mind control, government
  • mind control, major electromagnetic projects
  • mind control, microwave
  • mind control, microwave symptoms & published evidence
  • mind control, music
  • mind control programming sites
  • mind control, remote technology
  • modulator LIDAR system (Light Detection and Ranging)
  • military use of silent sound
  • National Security Agency (NSA)
    • covert operations
    • Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM)
    • NSA's Subliminal Posthypnotic Scripts
  • nervous systems, remote magnetic manipulation of
  • neural networks, pulsating behavior monitoring and modification system for
  • neurological technology, military use
  • non-lethal technologies
  • non-lethal weapons
    • non-lethal tetanizing weapon
    • Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP)
    • Non-leathal Weaponry and Waging War
  • nullifier
  • physiological or psychological  assessment services, speech signal processing
  • political control
  • Project Bluebird
  • Project Open Mind
  • Project Paperclip
  • Project Woodpecker
  • psycho-acoustic projector
  • radio frequency electromagnetic field personnel protection program
  • radio frequency weapons
    • high power radio frequency weapons
    • radio frequency weapons and the infrastructure
  • remote behavioral influence
  • remote mind control technology
  • remote viewing
  • Russian Mind Control Weapons
  • satellite
    • remote surreptitious tracking and targeting of humans via satellite
  • scalar weapons
  • sonic weapon system
  • space & electronic warfare lexicon
  • subliminal warfare
    • Gulf War
  • surveillance, domestic
  • synthetic telepathy
  • technology
  • thought detecting and generating a control instruction in response thereto
  • thought reading capacity
    • interpreting concepts and conceptual thought from brainwave data
  • transector device
  • transmitter (brain)
  • ultrasonic sound, broadcasting audible sound using
  • weather modification
    • altering a selected region in
    • trigger climate change
    • planetary rhythms and human health
    • whole earth forecaster, evidence
  • WINS: Wireless Integrated Network Sensors

* wireless communication

  • data acquisition system
  • facilities
  • laptop computer
    • scrotal temperature increase, laptop computer users
  • networks
  • studies

* Wireless Integrated Network Sensor Next Generation (WINS NG)

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