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* hearing
- acoustic trauma, bioeffects of
- auditory perception of infrasound
- electromagnetic fields, sensation of hearing
- hearing system (3156787, 3629521, 4877027)
- hyperacusis
- modulated electromagnetic energy, human auditory response
- pulsed radiofrequency energy, human auditory perception
- sensations in the brain
- simulation of hearing in mammals
- sound and hearing, HyperPhysics
* Heath, Robert Galbraith (1915-1999)
* Helmholtz, Hermann (Ludwig Ferdinand) von (1821-1894)
* Hemoencephalograph (HEG)
* Hertz, Heinrich (1857-1894)
* Hess, Walter Rudolf (1881-1973)
* High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)
- 4686605 Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere
- 4712155 Method and apparatus for creating an artificial electron cyclotron heating region of plasma
- 4817495 Defense system for discriminating between objects in space
- 4873928 Nuclear-sized explosions without radiation
- 4954709 High resolution directional gamma ray detector
- 4999637 Creation of artificial ionization clouds above the earth
- 5038664 Method for producing a shell of relativistic particles at an altitude above the earths surface
- 5041834 Artificial ionospheric mirror composed of a plasma layer which can be tilted
- 5068669 Power beaming system
- 5202689 Lightweight focusing reflector for space
- 5218374 Power beaming system with printer circuit radiating elements having resonating cavities
- 5293176 Folded cross grid dipole antenna element
* High Intensity Low Frequency (HI/LF) sound
- health effects
* human body
- acoustic trauma
- auditory perception of infrasound
- biocurrent distribution of a living body
- bio-effects of sounds
- biological effects of electromagnetic fields on humans in the frequency range of 0 - 3 Ghz
- biological effects of microwaves and mobile telephony
- cell phone tower radiation, health effects
- electromagnetic fields, health
- Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)
- electronic system for the activation, inhibition and/or modification of the development and functioning of cells, organs and organisms of living beings
- High Frequency Radiation and Human Exposure
- High Intensity Low Frequency (HI/LF) sound, health effects
- human rights violations
- implant patents
- life detection system, electronic
- low frequency noise and its effects
- magnetic susceptibility changes
- Microwave and Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure
- psychobiology
- RFR Bioeffects
- scrotal temperature increase, laptop computer users
- sexual response
- Sympathetic Resonance Technology™ (SRT)
- therapeutic modality, prolonged spinning
- therapy for treating psychological, psychiatric, medical, educational and self-help problems
- tinnitus and cellular telephones
- treatment of chronic wounds using pulsed electromagnetic
- vestibular schwannoma and cellular telephones
- vibroacoustic disease
- violations, human rights (see- *human body -- human rights violations)
- vocal tract, signal injection coupling for robust audible and inaudible voice recognition
* hypnosis / hypnotherapy
- consensus trance
- covert hypnosis
- definitions and acronyms
- signal triggered post-hypnotic suggestion
- subliminal influence and NLP